03/02/2025 ⦿ Horticultural Show – 2025 Pamphlet Department of Horticulture, PG College of Agriculture
15/01/2025 ⦿ Corrigendum-2 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/03/2024 Dt- 11/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
07/01/2025 ⦿ किसान मेेला (15-17 फरवरी, 2025) में स्टॉल, पंडाल निर्माण तथा भाड़े पर अन्य सामग्रियों की आपूर्ति हेतु कोटेशन । RPCAU, Pusa
06/01/2025 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of Candidates (Annexure-I) to be called for Interview for the post of Professor-Extension Education against” Advertisement no. RPCAU/05/2023, dated 30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
31/12/2024 ⦿ Corrigendum-1 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of various Statutory Positions on Tenure basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/04/2024 Dt- 12/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
31/12/2024 ⦿ Corrigendum-1 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/03/2024 Dt- 11/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
30/12/2024 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of Candidates (Annexure-I) to be called for various posts in different discipline against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/05/2023 Dated-30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
23/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) against Advertisement No. 27/RPCAU/Temp./2024 dated: 23rd December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
20/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Young Professional-II against Advertisement No. 26/RPCAU/Temp./2024 dated: 20th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
18/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of various Guest Faculty (CBS&H) against Advertisement No. 25/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated: 18th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
18/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of various Guest Faculty against Advertisement No. 24/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated: 18th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
13/12/2024 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of candidates ( Annexure-I) to be called for interview for various posts in different disciplines against advertisement no. RPCAU/05/2023 dated 30 December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
11/12/2024 ⦿ Advt. No. RPCAU/03/2024 Dated-11/12/2024 for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis RPCAU, Pusa
23/11/2024 ⦿ Admissions To Post Graduate Degree Programmes (2024-25) Of The University Through Mop-up Round RPCAU, Pusa
16/11/2024 ⦿ List of Candidates to be called for Interview for the post of Associate Professor in the discipline of Fishery Resource Management against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/05/2023 Dated-30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
13/11/2024 ⦿ 30 Days training Programme on “Entrepreneurship Development through Mushroom Production” from 18 November 2024 – 17 December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
06/11/2024 ⦿ List of Candidates to be called for Interview for the posts of Assistant Professor in various disciplines against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/03/2023 Dated-12th October 2023 and RPCAU/06/2023 Dated-30th December 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
03/02/2025 ⦿ Horticultural Show – 2025 Pamphlet Department of Horticulture, PG College of Agriculture
15/01/2025 ⦿ Corrigendum-2 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/03/2024 Dt- 11/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
07/01/2025 ⦿ किसान मेेला (15-17 फरवरी, 2025) में स्टॉल, पंडाल निर्माण तथा भाड़े पर अन्य सामग्रियों की आपूर्ति हेतु कोटेशन । RPCAU, Pusa
06/01/2025 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of Candidates (Annexure-I) to be called for Interview for the post of Professor-Extension Education against” Advertisement no. RPCAU/05/2023, dated 30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
31/12/2024 ⦿ Corrigendum-1 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of various Statutory Positions on Tenure basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/04/2024 Dt- 12/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
31/12/2024 ⦿ Corrigendum-1 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/03/2024 Dt- 11/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
30/12/2024 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of Candidates (Annexure-I) to be called for various posts in different discipline against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/05/2023 Dated-30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
23/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) against Advertisement No. 27/RPCAU/Temp./2024 dated: 23rd December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
20/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Young Professional-II against Advertisement No. 26/RPCAU/Temp./2024 dated: 20th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
18/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of various Guest Faculty (CBS&H) against Advertisement No. 25/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated: 18th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
18/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of various Guest Faculty against Advertisement No. 24/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated: 18th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
13/12/2024 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of candidates ( Annexure-I) to be called for interview for various posts in different disciplines against advertisement no. RPCAU/05/2023 dated 30 December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
11/12/2024 ⦿ Advt. No. RPCAU/03/2024 Dated-11/12/2024 for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis RPCAU, Pusa
23/11/2024 ⦿ Admissions To Post Graduate Degree Programmes (2024-25) Of The University Through Mop-up Round RPCAU, Pusa
16/11/2024 ⦿ List of Candidates to be called for Interview for the post of Associate Professor in the discipline of Fishery Resource Management against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/05/2023 Dated-30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
13/11/2024 ⦿ 30 Days training Programme on “Entrepreneurship Development through Mushroom Production” from 18 November 2024 – 17 December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
06/11/2024 ⦿ List of Candidates to be called for Interview for the posts of Assistant Professor in various disciplines against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/03/2023 Dated-12th October 2023 and RPCAU/06/2023 Dated-30th December 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
05/11/2024 ⦿ 15 days Master’s trainers training Programme on Mushroom is scheduled to be organised from 18th November 2024-02 December 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
28/10/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Research Associate (RA) and Senior Research Fellow (SRF) (Walk-In-Interview) RPCAU, Pusa
26/10/2024 ⦿ Applications are invited for admission at the UG level against the vacant seats in the University for academic session 2024-25 RPCAU, Pusa
14/10/2024 ⦿ Regarding transportation facility for New University Students at Railway Stations RPCAU, Pusa
18/09/2024 ⦿ Advt. notice for the post of Guest Faculty (Forest Biology and Tree Improvement) on contract basis against Advt. No. 20/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated-18th September, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
13/09/2024 ⦿ Advt. notice for the post of Guest Faculty (French Language) on contract basis against Advt. No. 19/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated-13th September, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
01/02/2025 ⦿ Advertisement for Mango and Litchi Fruit Auction (fruiting season 2025) Department of Horticulture, PG College of Agriculture
21/01/2025 ⦿ क्षेत्रीय अनुसंधान केंद्र, माधोपुर में आम, लीची एवं कटहल के फलों की नीलामी हेतु नीलामी सूचना के संबंध में RRS, Madhopur
07/01/2025 ⦿ किसान मेेला (15-17 फरवरी, 2025) में स्टॉल, पंडाल निर्माण तथा भाड़े पर अन्य सामग्रियों की आपूर्ति हेतु कोटेशन । RPCAU, Pusa
24/12/2024 ⦿ Information regarding auction of scrap materials at KVK, Siwan (Bhagwanpur Hat) KVK, Siwan (Bhagwanpur Hat)
28/11/2024 ⦿ Auction Notice along with auction proforma of the Dept. of BPP&BC, CBS&H, Pusa CBS&H, Pusa
27/11/2024 ⦿ Auction Notice with Auction proforma of the Dept. of Microbiology, CBS&H, Pusa CBS&H, Pusa
03/10/2024 ⦿ Notice Inviting Bids (Bid No. GEM/2024/b/5316) for the purchase of Electric Cars. Procurement Cell
27/08/2024 ⦿ Notice inviting Bids for purchase of Network Firewall and Security Device Procurement Cell, Pusa
27/08/2024 ⦿ Notice inviting Bids for purchase of HDPE Bag with BOPP laminated Procurement Cell, Pusa
20/08/2024 ⦿ Notice Inviting Bids of Tissue Culture Laboratory, BRC, Goraul, Vaishali of RPCAU, Pusa BRC, Goraul, Vaishali
05/08/2024 ⦿ Notice Inviting Bids for the purchase of Potable water Purification System with inbuilt water cooler for New Boy’s hostel, RPCAU, Pusa RPCAU, Pusa
01/08/2024 ⦿ पशु प्रक्षेत्र, पूसा के अर्न्तगत पशुओं की बिक्री विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा गठित समिति की देख-रेख खुली नीलामी पशु प्रक्षेत्र, पूसा
27/07/2024 ⦿ Notice Inviting Bids for the purchase of Inverter and Battery for newly constructed Boy’s Hostel, RPCAU, Pusa RPCAU, Pusa
27/07/2024 ⦿ Notice Inviting Bids for Running of Tissue Culture Laboratory, BRC, Goraul, Vaishali, RPCAU, Pusa BRC, Goraul, Vaishali
22/07/2024 ⦿ अपरिहार्य कारण वश ई-निविदा संख्या 02/2023-24 दिनांक 02.03.2024 से प्रकाशित ग्रुप संख्या 02 कि निविदा रद्द किया जाता है। RPCAU, Pusa
16/07/2024 ⦿ Notice inviting Bids for Running of Tissue Culture Laboratory BRC, Goraul, Vaishali, RPCAU RPCAU, Pusa
25/06/2024 ⦿ Tender related to “Running of Tissue Culture Laboratory, BRC, Goraul, Vaishali, RPCAU for the production of Banan a plantlets in public private partnership mode” (TenderNumber: 01/ Proc. CelU RPCAU, Pusa Dated 22.06.2024) RPCAU, Pusa
24/06/2024 ⦿ ढ़ोली कोठी प्रक्षेत्र के अधीनस्थ मुरौल प्रक्षेत्र में लगभग एक हेक्टेयर में स्थित तालाब का बन्दोबस्ती हेतु निविदा । Dholi Kothi Farm
13/06/2024 ⦿ जलवायु परिवर्त्तन पर उच्च अध्ध्यन केन्द्र, रा.प्र.के.कृ.वि., पूसा के अन्तर्गत अनुपयोगी एवं बेकार पड़े सामानों की नीलामी हेतु निविदा RPCAU, Pusa
12/06/2024 ⦿ शुद्वि पत्र-1 – ई-निविदा संख्या 01/2024-25, दिनांक 10.06.2024 से प्रकाशित निविदा के ग्रुप संख्या-01 RPCAU, Pusa
06/06/2024 ⦿ अपरिहार्य कारण वश ई-निविदा संख्या 03/2023-24 दिनांक 02.03.2024 से प्रकाशित निम्नलिखित ग्रुप संख्या कि निविदा रद्द किया जाता है। RPCAU, Pusa
24/04/2024 ⦿ Auction Notice 2024 of Mango, litchi and other fruits क्षेत्रीय अनुसंधान केंद्र, माधोपुर, पश्चिमी चंपारण
18/04/2024 ⦿ पूसा प्रक्षेत्र के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में अवस्थित छोटा-बड़ा लगभग 300 सेमल पेड़ों के सिर्फ फूलों की बिक्री हेतु निविदा Pusa, Dholi Parisar
15/01/2025 ⦿ Corrigendum-2 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/03/2024 Dt- 11/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
06/01/2025 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of Candidates (Annexure-I) to be called for Interview for the post of Professor-Extension Education against” Advertisement no. RPCAU/05/2023, dated 30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
31/12/2024 ⦿ Corrigendum-1 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of various Statutory Positions on Tenure basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/04/2024 Dt- 12/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
31/12/2024 ⦿ Corrigendum-1 regarding extension of the last date for submission of Application Form for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis advertised vide Advt. No.-RPCAU/03/2024 Dt- 11/12/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
30/12/2024 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of Candidates (Annexure-I) to be called for various posts in different discipline against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/05/2023 Dated-30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
13/12/2024 ⦿ Public Notice along with List of candidates ( Annexure-I) to be called for interview for various posts in different disciplines against advertisement no. RPCAU/05/2023 dated 30 December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
11/12/2024 ⦿ Advt. No. RPCAU/03/2024 Dated-11/12/2024 for the post of Deputy Comptroller and Secretary to Vice-Chancellor on Deputation basis RPCAU, Pusa
16/11/2024 ⦿ List of Candidates to be called for Interview for the post of Associate Professor in the discipline of Fishery Resource Management against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/05/2023 Dated-30th December, 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
06/11/2024 ⦿ List of Candidates to be called for Interview for the posts of Assistant Professor in various disciplines against “Advertisement No.-RPCAU/03/2023 Dated-12th October 2023 and RPCAU/06/2023 Dated-30th December 2023 RPCAU, Pusa
26/07/2024 ⦿ Notice related to download Admit Card for the post of Assistant Professor (in various disciplines) RPCAU, Pusa
19/07/2024 ⦿ Notice from NTA for written exam to the post of Assistant Professor in various disciplines at RPCAU RPCAU, Pusa
15/07/2024 ⦿ Office Order and other documents for withdrawn of Junior Stenographer post against Advt. No.-RPCAU/01/2024 dated-15/02/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
12/07/2024 ⦿ Notice related to schedule and venue for written examination for the post of Assistant Professor (in various disciplines) against Employment Notice No.-RPCAU/03/2023 dt-12/10/2023 & RPCAU/06/2023 dt-30/12/2023 RPCAU, Pusa
24/05/2024 ⦿ Notice for the post of Assistant Professor against Employment Notice No.-RPCAU/03/2023 dt-12/10/2023 & RPCAU/06/2023 dt-30/12/2023 , tentative schedule for written examination and the details of syllabus Rpcau, Pusa
15/02/2024 ⦿ Employment notice for the post of various Technical positions Employment Notice no. RPCAU/02/2024 dated-15/02/2024
15/02/2024 ⦿ Employment notice for the post of various Administrative positions Employment Notice no. RPCAU/01/2024 dated-15/02/2024
05/01/2024 ⦿ Notice and Other Documents for Withdrawn the Technical Positions Advt. No.-RPCAU/03/2022 dated-17/05/2022
05/01/2024 ⦿ Notice and Other Documents for Withdrawn the Administrative Positions (on Direct Recruitment) Advt. No.-RPCAU/02/2022 dated-07/03/2022
30/12/2023 ⦿ Recruitment Notice to various Disciplines for the post of Assistant Professor Employment N. No. RPCAU/06/2023 dated 30.12.2023
30/12/2023 ⦿ Employment Notice for the post of Various Teaching Positions Employment Notice No. RPCAU/05/2023 dated 30.12.2023
19/12/2023 ⦿ Notice & other doc. for withdrawn the various teaching positions against advt. no. RPCAU/01/2022 dated 12/02/2022 Advt. no. RPCAU/01/2022 dated 12/02/2022
22/11/2023 ⦿ Employment notice for the post of various Technical & Administrative Positions Employment N. no. X/Rectt./04/2023/RPCAU
12/10/2023 ⦿ Employment notice for the post of various Teaching Positions Employment notice no. RPCAU/03/2023
06/09/2023 ⦿ Employment Notice for the post of various Statutory Positions Employment Notice No. RPCAU/02/2023
23/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) against Advertisement No. 27/RPCAU/Temp./2024 dated: 23rd December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
20/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Young Professional-II against Advertisement No. 26/RPCAU/Temp./2024 dated: 20th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
18/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of various Guest Faculty (CBS&H) against Advertisement No. 25/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated: 18th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
18/12/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of various Guest Faculty against Advertisement No. 24/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated: 18th December, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
28/10/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Research Associate (RA) and Senior Research Fellow (SRF) (Walk-In-Interview) RPCAU, Pusa
18/09/2024 ⦿ Advt. notice for the post of Guest Faculty (Forest Biology and Tree Improvement) on contract basis against Advt. No. 20/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated-18th September, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
13/09/2024 ⦿ Advt. notice for the post of Guest Faculty (French Language) on contract basis against Advt. No. 19/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated-13th September, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
19/08/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Project Associate-I against Advertisement No. 18/RPCAU/Temp./2024 dated: 19th August, 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
17/08/2024 ⦿ Advt. notice for the post of Guest Faculty (French Language) on contract basis against Advt. No. 17/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated-17th August 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
06/08/2024 ⦿ Advt. notice for the post of various Guest Faculty (Contract Basis) against Advt. No. 16/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated-06th August 2024 RPCAU, Pusa
28/06/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the post of RA and SRF against Advt. No.-15/Temp./RPCAU/2024 dated 28/06/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
25/06/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the post of YP-II against Advt. No.-14/Temp./RPCAU/2024 dated 25/06/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
13/06/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) against Advt. No.-13/SRF/Temp./RPCAU/2024 dated 13/06/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
06/06/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) against Advt. No.-12/Temp./RPCAU/2024 dated 06/06/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
05/06/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the post of Guest Faculty (French Language) against Advt. No.-11/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated 05/06/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
05/06/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the various posts against Advt. No.-10/Temp./RPCAU/2024 dated 05/06/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
05/06/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the post of Guest Faculty against Advt. No.-09/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa dated 05/06/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
15/04/2024 ⦿ Withdrawal of Post of Guest Faculty (Mathematics) – Advt. No. – 575/CBS&H, Pusa Dated 18.03.2024 RPCAU, Pusa
28/03/2024 ⦿ Advertisement Notice for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-Plant Breeding on purely temporary basis against Advt. No. X/Rectt./08/Temp./RPCAU/2024 RPCAU, Pusa
29/02/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the post of Guest Faculty against Advt. No.-07/Guest Faculty/RPCAU
26/02/2024 ⦿ Advertisement notice for the post of Guest Faculty (Microbiology) against Advt. No.-05/Guest Faculty/RPCAU, Pusa