Mushroom Production Technology

The university organizes training programmes on Mushroom Production Technology, regularly. Training programmes are being organized for the farmers as well as entrepreneurs. Interested persons from any corner of the country can participate. The training programmes cover the following activities through practicals wherever required:-
- Production, Protection, and Crop Management of Oyster, Button, and Dudhia mushrooms through practicals
- Production, Protection, and Crop Management of medicinal mushrooms (Shiitake and Hericium) through practicals
- Compost production methods for Button mushroom through practicals (Long, Short and ZEPT/Pipe)
- Spawn production of Oyster, Button, Dudhia, Shiitake and Hericium mushroom and their management aspects
- Harvesting, Grading, Processing, Packaging and value addition of mushroom
- Preparation of different recipes for mushroom
- Preparation of different mushroom products (Pickle, Sweets, Snacks, Fast Food & Namkeen)
- Branding & Marketing of Mushroom and its products
- Design and establishment of mushroom farm
- Exposure visit on the field of successful mushroom growers
- Entrepreneurial skill development
Training Calendar
Sl. No. | Date | No. of Days | Topics | No. of Participants | Fee (Rs.) | Last date for submission of the application |
1. | 13-19 April, 2023 | 07 | Mushroom Production Technology | 40 | 1500/- | 10 April, 2023 |
2. | 27-29 April, 2023 | 03 | Medicinal Mushroom Production Technology | 40 | 600/- | 25 April, 2023 |
3. | 09-11 May, 2023 | 03 | Medicinal Mushroom Production Technology | 40 | 600/- | 05 May, 2023 |
4. | 15-29 May, 2023 | 15 | Spawn Production Technology | 10 | 5000/- | 13 May, 2023 |
5. | 06-08 June, 2023 | 03 | Mushroom Cultivation during Summer | 40 | 600/- | 02 June, 2023 |
6. | 14-20 June, 2023 | 07 | Mushroom Production Technology | 40 | 1500/- | 10 June, 2023 |
7. | 04-06 July, 2023 | 03 | Medicinal Mushroom Production Technology | 40 | 600/- | 01 July, 2023 |
8. | 10 July to 08 August, 2023 | 01 month | Enterpreneurhsip development through mushroom production | 05 | 10000/- | 06 July, 2023 |
9. | 04-10 August, 2023 | 07 | Mushroom Production and Processing Technology | 40 | 1500/- | 01 August, 2023 |
10. | 23-29 August, 2023 | 07 | Medicinal Mushroom Production Technology | 30 | 1500/- | 16 August, 2023 |
11. | 06-08 September, 2023 | 03 | Button Mushroom Production | 40 | 600/- | 04 September, 2023 |
12. | 20-26 September, 2023 | 07 | Mushroom Production and Processing Technology | 40 | 1500/- | 15 September, 2023 |
13. | 26 October to 01 November, 2023 | 07 | Entrepreneurship development through mushroom production | 40 | 1500/- | 22 October, 2023 |
14. | 02-08 November, 2023 | 07 | Mushroom Production Technology | 40 | 1500/- | 31 October, 2023 |
15. | 12-18 December, 2023 | 15 | Spawn Production Technology (FPO’s farmer & Entrepreneurs) | 15 | 1500/- | 01 December, 2023 |
16. | 18-24 December, 2023 | 07 | Button Mushroom Production Technology | 40 | 1500/- | 08 December, 2023 |
17. | 27-29 December, 2023 | 03 | Processing & Value Added Mushroom Production Technology (FPO’s farmers & Entrepreneurs) | 25 | 600/- | 17 December, 2023 |
18. | 20-26 August, 2024 | 07 | Mushroom Production & Processing Technology – Click here for Registration | – | 1500/- | 18 August, 2024 |
19. | 03-09 September, 2024 | 07 | Mushroom Production & Processing Technology – Click here for Registration | – | 1500/- | 31 August, 2024 |
20. | 24-30 September, 2024 | 07 | Training program on Button Mushroom Production Technology – Click here for Registration | – | 1500/- | 21 September, 2024 |
21. | 18 November, 2024 – 02 December, 2024 | 15 | Master’s trainers training Programme on Mushroom – Click here for Registration ![]() | – | 5000/- | 16 November, 2024 |
22. | 18 November, 2024 – 17 December, 2024 | 30 | Entrepreneurship Development through Mushroom Production – Click here for Registration ![]() | – | 10000/- | 16 November, 2024 |
Note: Fees for lodging and food will be payable separately.
Rate of Mushroom, Spawn and Its Products (Ref. O.O. No. 58/FBS&H, Pusa dated 14.06.2018 & 17/FBS&H, Pusa dated 04.05.2019)
Sl.No. | Item | Rate (in Rs.) |
01. | Rajendra Pusa Mushroom Biscuit | 38/- per 100gm. |
02. | Rajendra Pusa Mushroom Mini Samosa | 50/- per 200 gm. |
03. | Rajendra Pusa Mushroom Namkeen | 50/- per 200 gm. |
04. | Rajendra Pusa Mushroom Bhujia | 50/- per 200 gm. |
05. | Rajendra Pusa Mushroom Pickle | 80/- per 200 gm. |
06. | Rajendra Pusa Fresh Mushroom | 150/- per kg. |
07. | Mushroom Spawn | 100/- per kg. |
08. | Button Mushroom Compost | 1000/- per 100 kg. |
Mushroom Kranti in Bihar: A Success Story
Overall, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University ‘s journey and contributions to mushroom cultivation in Bihar have been transformative, improving economic conditions, addressing nutritional needs, and uplifting the lives of many people in the rural community.
1991: RPCAU began its journey in mushroom cultivation and the university recognized the potential of mushrooms to bring prosperity to the underprivileged rural community and decided to focus on mushroom cultivation.
2000-2010: During this period, RPCAU conducted massive awareness drives and training programs under various projects like “Macro Mode” and “RKVY.” Over 10,000 rural individuals were trained, laying the groundwork for mushroom cultivation in the state.
2010-11: As a result of RPCAU’s training initiatives, Bihar witnessed a significant increase in mushroom production, recording a consolidated production of 78 tons of mushrooms.
2010: The All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Mushrooms was allotted to RPCAU University. Under this project, several technologies were developed, contributing to a significant increase in mushroom production in Bihar.
2010-2020: Through various initiatives by RPCAU, over 2 lakh employment opportunities were generated in Bihar, and the improved availability of mushrooms contributed to the reduction of malnutrition in the state.
2018: RPCAU developed and released the CIP-18 Milky mushroom variety. This new variety added to the diversity of mushroom cultivation options available to farmers and contributed to the overall increase in mushroom production in the state.
2019: RPCAU secured a state government project worth Rs. 125 lakhs for the cultivation of medicinal mushrooms, further boosting mushroom production in the state.
2021: RPCAU’s relentless efforts in promoting mushroom cultivation and extension activities earned the AICRP centre recognition as the best centre. Mushroom production reached 21,000 tons.
2022: RPCAU got a project sanctioned from ICAR on Crop Residue based nano-industry: Dissemination of Mushroom Production Technology in SC Community in Bihar. A total of 1252 candidates, including 859 females from different districts of Bihar, were trained under this project. Mushroom production reached 28,000 tons.
2022-23: Mushroom production in Bihar exponentially increased to 32,410 tons, with the state earning the status of the largest producer of mushrooms during 2021-22.
Present status
2023: The impact of RPCAU’s efforts continued, with substantial government support and subsidies of 50 percent for establishing integrated mushroom production units. This financial support encouraged more farmers to adopt mushroom cultivation, fostering sustainable livelihoods. To date, more than 10,000 rural youth and farm women have been trained by RPCAU and are now making their livelihoods out of mushroom production. The university has developed approximately 200 mushroom entrepreneurs and engaged over 2.5 lakh people as manpower in mushroom plants. Additionally, RPCAU’s expert advice and technical support resulted in 70 spawn laboratories in Bihar, addressing spawn scarcity to a greater extent. Many mushroom-growing women from Bihar received national awards like the Kisan Abhinav Puraskar for best mushroom grower, showcasing the positive impact on women empowerment.
Presently, Bihar is leading in the mushroom production at national level with a total production of 33500 ton.
Value-Addition and Entrepreneurship development
RPCAU’s contributions included the preparation and launch of FSSAI registered and licensed mushroom products (mushroom mini samosa, biscuits, namkeen, laddoo, litti, etc.). Some of these products have been patented and provided rural youth and farm women with good employment and income generation options. During 2023, RPCAU’s patented process of making mushroom samosa, the first product of its kind registered under FSSAI, gained great popularity and demand. Additionally, mushroom biscuits (patented process of making) became very popular among the public and were in high demand.
Dr. Ram Prawesh Prasad
PI, Mushroom
Director Research
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur
Account Name | Mushroom Revolving Fund |
Account Number | 4512002100001682 |
IFS Code | PUNB0451200 |
Name of the Bank | Punjab National Bank, RAU Pusa Branch |
Interested farmers and enterpreneurs may apply in the prescribed format and deposit the requisite training fee online as per the details below:
♣ Registration Form for Mushroom Production Technology Training PDF | DOC
♣ Registration Form for Tribal Training Programme