Research Projects in Operation
All India Coordinated Research Project
S.No. | Name of the Project | Principal Investigator |
1. | Rice | Dr. Neelanjaya |
2. | Maize | Dr. Ajay Kumar |
3. | Small Millet | Dr. Sweta Mishra |
4. | Breeder Seed Production | Dr. Rajesh Kumar |
5. | Seed Technology Research | Dr. Rajesh Kumar |
6. | Fruits | Dr. S. K. Singh (P.P.) |
7. | Vegetable Crops | Dr. Udit Kumar |
8. | Floriculture | Dr. A. K. Singh |
9. | Pigeonpea | Dr. I.B. Pandey |
10. | Chickpea | Dr. Madhuri Arya |
11. | MULLaRP | Dr. Ravi Kant |
12. | Rapeseed & Mustard | Dr. Rajesh Kumar |
13. | Forage Crops & Utilization | Dr. Nilanjaya |
14. | Potato | Dr. Aman Tigga |
15. | Tuber Crops (Other than Potato) | Dr. Ashish Narayan |
16. | Spices | Dr. A.K. Mishra |
17. | Sugarcane | Dr. D.N. Kamat |
18. | Agro forestry | Dr. D. K .Das |
19. | Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Betelvine | Dr. Dinesh Rai |
20. | Honeybee & Pollinators | Dr. Nagendra Kumar |
21. | Soil Testing Response Correlation (STCR) | Dr. Sanjay Kr. Singh |
22. | Micro & Secondary Nutrients & Pollutant Elements in Soils & Plants (MNS) | Dr. Santosh Kumar |
23. | Mushroom | Dr. R.P. Prasad |
24. | Agro meteorology | Dr. A. Sattar |
25. | Irrigation Water Management | Dr .S.P. Gupta |
26. | Farm Implements & Machinery | Dr. P.K. Pranav |
27. | Post Harvest Technology | Dr. Devendra Kumar |
28. | Soil Biodiversity-Biofertilizer | Dr. Aman Jaiswal |
29. | Nematodes in Agriculture | Dr. Nishikeshri |
30. | Women in Agriculture | Dr. Arunima Kumari |
31. | Wheat | Dr. Satish Kr. Singh |
32. | Linseed | Dr. B.K. Chaudhary |
33. | Sesamum | Dr. U. K. Singh |
34. | Soyabean | Dr. Rajesh Kumar |
35. | Sunflower | Dr. K.L. Bhutia |
Projects Funded by International Organizations
S.No. | Name of the project | Name of P.I. |
1. | Accelerated Genetic Gains in Rice | Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Assoc. Prof., TCA, Dholi |
2. | Promotion of early childhood Nutrition Development in Aspirational Districts of Bihar | Dr. Usha Singh, Prof., CC Sc., Pusa |
Projects Sponsored by Govt. of India
S.No. | Name of the project | Name of P.I. |
1. | Scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture through Mainstreaming Climate Smart Villages in Bihar (Patna-Nalanda corridor) | Dr. Ratnesh Kumar Jha, P.D., CASCC |
2. | Commercialization of Medicinal Mushroom Production Technology in Bihar | Dr. Dayaram, P.D., Mushroom |
3. | Crop Residue Based Nano- Industry: Dissemination of Mushroom Production Technology in Scheduled Cast Community of Bihar”. | Dr. Dayaram, P.D., Mushroom |
4. | Establishment Indigenous Cattle Conservation and Improvement Centre at Madhopur under Rastriya Gokul Mission | Dr. R.K.Ashthana, Asstt. Prof., APRI, Pusa |
5. | Establishment of Regional Centre for Excellence for Indigenous Breed (CoEIB) | Dr. Pramod Kumar Asstt. Prof., APRI, Pusa |
6. | Development of heat tolerant high yielding and climate resilient wheat cultivars by utilizing genomics, molecular and physiological information and resources | Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of AB&MB, FBS&H, DRPCAU, Pusa |
7. | Characterization of Radiative and COR Fluxes over Rice-Wheat System | Dr. A. Sattar, Assoc. Prof., Agrometerology |
8. | Gramin Krishi Mausam Seva (GKMS) | Dr. A. Sattar, Assoc. Prof., Agrometerology |
9. | Forecasting Agricultural output using Space, Agrometeorology and Land based observations (FASAL) | Dr. A. Sattar, Assoc. Prof., Agrometerology |
10. | National Innovation on climate Resilient Agrriculture (NICRA) | Dr. A. Sattar, Assoc. Prof., Agrometerology |
11. | Evaluation of Medicinal plants for honey production round the year in Bihar | Dr. Nagendra Kumar, Asstt. Prof., Entomology |
12. | Effect of bee pollination on oilseeds and horticultural crops | Dr. Neeraj Kumar, Assoc. Prof., Entomology |
13. | Shoot transcriptome based understanding of molecular mechanism for Fusarium with resistance in Checkpea | Dr. K.L. Bhutia, Assistant Professor, AB & MB, RPCAU, Pusa |
14. | Deciphering the regulatory mechanism of essential oil biosynthesis in Curcuma longa | Dr. Teikur Majaw, Assistant Professor, BPP & Biochemistry, RPCAU, Pusa |
15. | National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Disease | Dr. R.K..Brahmchari, Asstt. Prof., C.O.F., Dholi |
Projects Funded by Govt. of Bihar
S. No. | Project Title | Principal Investigator |
1. | Scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture through Mainstreaming Climate Smart Villages in Bihar (Darbhanga-Samastipur corridor) | Dr. Ratnesh Kumar Jha, P.D., CASCC |
2. | Climate Resilient Agriculture Progarmme | Dr. Ratnesh Kumar Jha, P.D., CASCC |
3. | Setting up of Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory | Dr. Shivendra Kumar, Assoc. Prof., COF, Dholi |
4. | River Ranching Programme | Dr. Shivendra Kumar, Assoc. Prof., COF, Dholi |
5. | Standardization of Seed Production Practices and Participatory Seed Production Program of Hybrid Paddy | Dr. Ravikant, Asstt. Prof., TCA, Dholi |
6. | Monitoring & advisory services for Sugarcane ( MAAS) | Dr. C.K.Jha, Prof.,, SRI, Pusa |
University Funded Research Projects
S.No. | Name of the project | Name of P.I. | Year of Start | Project Duration |
1 | Impact of Bihar Krishi Road Map on livelihood Promotion of the Farmers and extent of linkage among collaborative departments | Dr. Sudhanand Prasad Lal, Asstt. Prof. & Principal Investigator, Deptt. of Extension Education, Pusa & Dr. SatyaPrakash, Asstt. Prof. Co. P.I., Deptt. of Extension Education, RPCAU, Pusa.
| 03 Years | 2019 |
2 | Evaluation of Moringaoleifera Lam for green fodder production in Bihar. | Dr. Soibam Lanabir Singh, Asstt. Prof. & Principal Investigator, Deptt. of Forestry, Dr. Vijay Kumar Gond, Asstt. Prof. Co. P.I., Deptt. of APRI, RPCAU, Pusa
| 02 Years | 2019 |
3 | Fodder Seed Production Programme and Development of Fodder hub in University Farm | Dr. Nilanjaya, Assistant Professor & PI, Deptt. of Plant Breeding, RPCAU, Pusa | 03 Years | 2019 |
4 | Elucidating soil water dynamics & root growth under different land configuration & crop intensification | Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Assoc. Professor, Deptt. of Agronomy, RPCAU, Pusa. | 3 Years | 2020 |
5 | Enhancing yield potential through Plant Breeding in Summer Millet | Dr. S. K. Singh, Assoc. Professor, Deptt. of Plant Breeding & Genetics, RPCAU, Pusa
| 05 Years | 2021 |
6 | Development and Evaluation of model based integrated farming system zero budget Natural Farming and Organic Farming | Dr. R.K. Jha, PD and Professor, Deptt. of Agronomy, RPCAU, Pusa | 04 Years | 2021 |
7 | Development of promising consortia of biological control agents (fungal and bacterial) for management of Fusariumoxysporumf.sp. cubense Race TR4 causing Fusarium wilt of banana. | Dr. Meenakshi Dwivedi, Asstt. Prof., Deptt. of Plant Pathology
| 3 Years | 2021 |
8 | Impact assessment of technology developed by RPCAU, Pusa for income and employment generation | Dr. Binita Satpathy Assoc. Prof. (Ag. Extn.) . | 2 Years | 2021 |
9 | Exploring the Natural Farming for sustainable crop production, soil health improvement and livelihood security of the farmers. | Dr. Shankar Jha, Professor & Head, Deptt. of Soil Science, Pusa | 3 Years | 2022 |
10 | Evaluation of performance of finger millet genotyhpes in Summer under assured irrigation | Dr. Shweta Mishra, Prof., Deptt. of PB&G | 3 Year | 2021 |
11 | Planning and Development of Water positive zone for sustainable Aquifer management | Dr. Ravish Chandra, Asstt. Professor, CAE, Pusa | 03 Years | 2020 |
12 | Performance Evaluation of Rain-Pipe Irrigation under small & Marginal Farming System in Bihar. | Er. Sudarshan Prasad Asstt. Prof., CAE, Pusa | 02 Years | 2020 |
13 | Development of refrigerated vegetable cart for small vegetable venders. | Dr. S. K. PatelAssoc. Prof. CAE, Pusa | 02 Years | 2021 |
14 | Empowering Farmers towards sustainability through Innovative Irrigation and drainage options for Mokama Tal Area of Bihar. | Dr. Ravish Chandra, Assistant Professor, CAE, Pusa | 3 Years | 2021 |
15 | Design and Development of Self –Propelled Automated Vegetable Transplanter | Er. Jaya Sinha, Deptt. of FM & PW, CAE, Pusa.
| 3 Years | 2021 |
16 | Development for planter and Digger for “Taro” Crop.
| Er. Subhash Chandra, Asstt. Prof., Deptt. of Farm Machinery & Power Engg., CAE, Pusa. | 2 Year | 2021 |
17 | Identification and characterization of transporter gene families involved in mineral fortification in Oryza sativa. | Ms. Sarita Kumari, Asstt. Prof. Principal Investigator. Dr. V. K. Sharma, Assoc. Prof. Co. P.I. AB & MB. | 03 Years | 2019 |
18 | Morpho-molecular evaluation for high yielding stress resilient wheat vis-à-vis agro-ecology of Bihar | Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Assoc. Prof., AB&MB, RPCAU, Pusa | 03 Years | 2021 |
19 | Developing climate resilent rice-wheat cropping system through enhancing heat and drought combination stress tolerance & Development of unique Field Based Plant Phenotyping facility. | Dr. Rajeev Nayan Bahuguna, Asstt. Prof., Plant Physiology, CBS&H, RPCAU, Pusa | 03 Years | 2021 |
20 | Evaluation of bioactivity of essential oils isolated from post harvested turmeric leaves as a potential pest control | Dr. Teikur Majaw, Asstt. Prof., Botany & Plant Physiology, FBS&H, Pusa | 02 Years | 2021 |
21 | Development of white-grained finger milletragi (Eleusinecoracana L.) with enhanced nutrient content through induced mutations. | Dr. Bishun Deo Prasad, Assoc. Prof., Deptt. of AB&MB, CBS&H, RPCAU, Pusa | 3 Year | 2021 |
22 | Biostimulants mediated mitigation of abiotic stress in Chickpea. | Dr. (Ms.) Kavita, Asstt. Prof. –cum-Scientist (Plant Physiology), CBS&H, Pusa. | 2 Year | 2021 |
23 | Formulation of inexpensive media for mass production of microbial inoculants to improve soil health and pulse productivity. | Dr. Geeta Kumari, Asstt. Prof., Deptt. ofMicrobiology, CBS&H, Pusa. | 2 Year | 2021 |
24 | An Assessment of Food Diversity & Food Security of Agricultural Households of North Bihar. | Dr. Nidhi, Asstt. Prof., CBS&H, Pusa | 2 Year | 2021 |
25 | Identification of consortium of Vegetation for sustainable production of Medicinal Honey. | Dr. Shailesh Kumar Asstt. Prof., CBS&H, Pusa | 2 Year | 2021 |
26 | Development of early breeding lines and identification of candidate genes for earliness in lentil using genetics and genomics approaches | Dr. Mahendar Thudi, Assoc. Prof., Deptt. of AB&MB, CBS&H, Pusa | 3 Year | 2021 |
27 | Mutation Breeding of Sunflower (Hellanthusannuus) for Biotic &Abioti Stress Resistance and Yield Attributing Traits. | Mr. Karma Landup Bhutia, Asstt. Prof. Cum-Scientist (Bio0technology), Deptt. of Plant Breeding & Genetics, TCA,Dholi. | 03 Years | 2019 |
28 | Isolation and characterization of essential oils from leaves of different varieties of Curcuma longa cultivated in Bihar. | Dr. Teikur Majaw, Asstt. Prof. & Principal investigator, Deptt. of Biochemistry, FBS & H.,RPCAU, Pusa. Dr. C. Mukhim, Asstt. Prof. Co. P.I., Deptt. of Horticulture, TCA,Dholi.
| 02 Years | 2019 |
29 | Holistic Banana product bi-product utilization scheme for North Bihar | Dr. Sangita Deo, Project Director, Advance Centre of Research on Wealth from Waste, RPCAU, Pusa | 03 Years | 2021 |
30 | Development and Evaluation of Value Added Baked Products from Cereals and Millets. | Dr. Gitanjali Chaudhary, Asstt. mProf., Centre of Excellence on Food Processing | 2 Year | 2021 |
31 | Faunal Diversity and Standardization of Breeding Techniques of selected Ornamental Fish species, North-Bihar, India | Mr. Roshan Kumar Ram, Asstt. Prof. & Principal investigator, Deptt. of Fisheries Resource Management & Dr. Shivendra Kumar, Assoc. Prof. College of Fisheries, Dholi, Muzaffarpur.
| 03 Years | 2019 |
32 | Potential of Banana inflorescence as dietary ingredient for Labeorohita juveniles. | Dr. Shivendra Kumar Assoc. Prof., COF, Dholi | 02 Years | 2021 |
33 | Bio-Floc Technology Exploring Production Optimization of High value fish and their economic viability | Dr. Shivendra Kumar Assoc. Professor COF, Dholi | 2 Years | 2021 |
34 | Collection conservation, evaluation and maintenance of different turfgrass genotypes, species and accessions for different abiotic stress conditions. | Mrs. Roshni Agnihotri, Asstt. Prof. Principal Investigator & Dr. S.S. Prasad, Asstt. Prof. Co. P.I., T.C.A., Dholi | 03 Years | 2019 |
35 | Introduction to permaculture in dhab area for sustainable livelihood. | Dr. Rajesh Kumar Meena, Asstt. Prof. & Principal Investigator. (P.I.) & Dr. S. L. Singh, Asstt. Prof. Co. P.I., Deptt. of Forestry, RPCAU, Pusa | 05 Years | 2019 |
36 | Collection Characterization and evaluation of Indigenous Papaya germplasm | Dr. A. K Panda, Asstt. Prof., Deptt. of Horticulture, RPCAU, Pusa
| 03 Years | 2020 |
37 | Long Term waste water irrigation study on growth, biomass, primary productivity and water use by plantations in Dhab land of Bihar. | Dr. D. K. Das, Professor, Deptt. of Forestry, RPCAU, Pusa
| 10 Years | 2021 |
38 | Collection, characteriazation and evaluation of Ivy gourd and spine gord. | Dr. (Mrs.) Pramila, Asstt. Prof. (Horticulture) | 6 Year | 2021 |
39 | Value Chain Analysis of Small Millets in Khagaria, Samastipur and Bhagalpur Districts of Bihar. | Dr. Andukuri Raj Sharvanthi, Asstt. Prof., SAB&RM, RPCAU, Pusa | 02 Years | 2020 |
40 | Optimizing Farm Plant through Linier programming model for Kusiari village of Samastipur district | Mrs. Tulika Kumar Asstt. Prof., SAB& RM, RPCAU, Pusa. | 03 Years. | 2021 |
41 | Understanding the bottlenecks and effects of nudging in crop residue management: Evidence from randomized control trial. | Dr. Ram Datt. Assoc. Prof.- Rural Management (SARM), Pusa
| 2 Years | 2021 |
42 | Performance Analysis of Farmer Producer Organizations in Bihar. | Dr. Ritambhara Singh, Assoc. Prof. SABRM, Pusa
| 3 Years | 2021 |
43 | A Behavioural Approach for Analysing Agricultural Investment Decision Making in Samastipur District. | Ms. Rashmi Sinha, Asstt. Prof., SA&RM | 2 Year | 2021 |
44 | Nutritional and Reproduction health management to control infertility in cattle and to increase Milk production.
| Dr. R. K. Asthana, Asstt. Prof., and Dr. Pramod Kumar, APRI, RPCAU, Pusa | 03 Years | 2020 |
45 | Boron fertilization on yield and quality of sugarcane plant-ratoon system in calcareous soils of Bihar | Dr. C. K. Jha, Asstt. Prof. SRI Pusa | 04 years | 2019 |
46 | Enhancing productivity, economic security and employment generation through sugarcane based crop and product diversification for making a farmers self-reliant | Dr. A. K. Singh, Director, SRI, Pusa | 04 Years | 2021 |
47 | Developing Sugarcane based integrated Farming System Models for Small Farm holders of North central and north eastern zone. | Dr. A. K. Singh, Director, SRI, Pusa, Samastipur. | 04 Years | 2021 |
S. No. | Project title | Principal Investigator |
1. | Comparative Assessment of Aldor (30-00-05-7S) as an alternative to Urea in Rice-Wheat cropping system in North-West Alluvial Plains of Bihar | Dr. S.P. Singh, Asstt. Professor, Soil Science, Pusa |
2. | Comparative Assessment of Aldor (30-00-05-7S) as an alternative to Urea in Maize based cropping system (Kharif and winter maize) in North-West Alluvial Plains of Bihar | Dr. S.P. Singh, Asstt. Professor, Soil Science, Pusa |
3. | Enhancing biomass of silage maize through irrigation method, nitrogen, management and phenotyping in middle Gangetic plains | Dr. Mritunajaya Kuamr, PD, CSF |
4. | Developing Health and Nutri-Enterprises | Dr. Usha Singh, Prof., CC Sc., Pusa |
5. | Developing Bioforified Nutri-mix products targeted to address Acute Malnutrition in Bihar | Dr. Usha Singh, Prof., CC Sc., Pusa |
6. | Assessment study on Effect of Muzaffarpur Thermal Power Station on Crop, Litchi and Ground Water quality of surrounding area | Dr. C.MUKHIM, Assistant Professor, Horticulture, RPCAU, Pusa |