Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University
Pusa, Samastipur – 848 125, Bihar, India


RPCAU- Remuneration of Officers & Employees


The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations

Teaching Staff

Sl. No. Designation Pay-scale
1 Vice-Chancellor Rs. 75000/- fixed + 5000 special pay
2 Deans 37400-67000+ AGP 10000
3 Directors 37400-67000+ AGP 10000
4 Professor 37400-67000+ AGP 10000
5 Associate Professor 37400-67000+ AGP 9000
6 Assistant Professor 15600-39100 + GP 6000
7 University Librarian 37400-67000+ AGP 10000
8 Associate Librarian 37400-67000+ AGP 9000
9 Assistant Librarian 15600-39100 + GP 6000

Non-teaching staff

Sl. No. Designation Pay-scale
1 Registrar 37400-67000+ AGP 10000
2 Comptroller 15600-39100 + GP 7600
3 Secretary to VC 15600-39100 + GP 7600
4 Deputy Registrar 15600-39100 + GP 7600
5 Assistant Registrar 15600-39100 + GP 5400
6 Deputy Comptroller 15600-39100 + GP 5400
7 Assistant Comptroller 15600-39100 + GP 5400
8 PS to VC 15600-39100 + GP 5400
9 Section Officer 9300-34800 GP 4800
10 Assistant 9300-34800 GP 4600/4200
11 UDC 5200-20200 +GP 2400
12 LDC 5200-20200 +GP 1900
13 Junior Stenographer 5200-20200 +GP 2400
14 Personal Assistant 9300-34800 GP 4600
15 Junior Accounts Clerk 5200-20200 +GP 2400
16 Senior Accounts Clerk 5200-20200 +GP 2800
17 Accountant 9300-34800 GP 4200
18 Skilled Supporting Staff 5200-20200 +GP 1800
19 Technical grade- I 5200-20200 +GP 2000
20 Technical Grade-II 5200-20200 +GP 2400
21 Technical Grade-III 5200-20200 +GP 2800
22 Technical Grade-IV 9300-34800 GP 4200
23 Technical Grade-V 9300-34800 GP 4600
24 Technical Grade-VI 15600-39100 + GP 5400
25 Technical Grade-VII 15600-39100 + GP 6600
26 Technical Grade-VIII 15600-39100 + GP 7600


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