Dr. Vishal Kumar
Associate Professor
Processing & Food Engineering
Academic Detail
Contact Details
Academic Detail
- B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering: Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar.
- M. Tech. in Processing and Food Engineering: Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar
- Ph.D. in Processing and Food Engineering: Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
- Research Area: Processing and Food Engineering
- Research Interest: Machine design, value addition, storageand noval processing technologies (specific area)
- Prasad, S. and Kumar, V. 2013 Evaluation of FAO-56 Penman–Monteith and alternative methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration using limited climatic data at Pusa. J. Agrometeorology, 15 (1): 22-29.
- Kumar, V., Rajak, D., Alok ; Jha, A.K. and Sharma, P. D. Optimization of Ohmic Heating of Fish Using Response Surface Methodology. Int. J. Food Engineering 10(3): 481- 491
- Kumar, V., Rajak, D., Sharma, P. D., Kumar, R. and Kumar, V. Design and development of low-cost makhana grading and roasting machine. Int. J. Food Engineering, 10 (3): 357-366
- Kumari, A., Kumar,V. Amitabh, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, M. and Kashyap, V. Qualitative Loss of Maize under Different Bag Storage Modes. International J. Current Microbiology and Applied Science, 6(12): 177-183.
- Kumar, V., Rajak, D., Kalita, P. Rausch, K. and Kumar, D. Performance evaluation of modified STR dryer. Int. J. Chemical Studies, 6(4): 1915-1918.
- Kumar, V., Kumar, C., Amitabh, A., Jain, S.K., Jain, N. K. and Meena, K.K. 2018. Performance evaluation of a continuous type Ohmic heating unit on watermelon juice. J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, SP1: 2603-2607.
- Kumar, V., Kumar, C., Amitabh, A. Jain, S. K., Jain, N.K., Kumar, M. and Meena, K.K. 2018. Performance evaluation of a continuous type Ohmic heating unit on watermelon juice. J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, SP1: 2603-2607.
- Kumar,V., Chavan, S.M., Jain, S.K., Salvi, B.L., Jain, N.K., Kumar, A and Meena, K.K. 2019 Peeling of tough skinned fruits and vegetables: A review. Int. J. Chemical Studies, 7(2): 1825-1829.
- Amitabh, A., Jain, S. K. and Kumar, V. 2019. Optimization of process variables of continuous type Ohmic heating for milk pasteurization. Ind. J. Dairy Science, 72(2):1-9.
Contact Details
Moblile No. – 8709635031
Email id – vishal.cae@gmail.com