Dr. Sunita Kumari Meena
Assistant Professor
Soil Science
Academic Detail
Contact Details
Academic Detail
- Ph.D. Soil Science & Agril Chemistry – ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
- M. Sc. (Ag.) Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry – Banaras Hindu Uuniversity, Varanasi
- B. Sc. (Ag.) – University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Research Area – Soil Sustainability
- Research interest – Soil-plant-microbes interaction, Nutrients dynamics, Conservation agriculture,Organic farming, C-sequestration and Soil Health management.
- Meena VS, Meena SK, Verma JP, Meena RS, Ghosh BN (2015). The needs of nutrient use efficiency for sustainable agriculture. Journal of Cleaner Production 102, 562-563
- Meena VS, Meena SK, Verma JP, Kumar A, Aeron A, Mishra PK, Bisht JK, Pattanayak A, Naveed M, Dotaniya M (2017). Plant beneficial rhizospheric microorganism (PBRM) strategies to improve nutrients use efficiency: a review. Ecological Engineering 107, 8–32.
- Meena RS, Meena VS, Meena SK, Verma JP (2015). The needs of healthy soils for a healthy world. Journal of Cleaner Production. 102 560-561
- Yadav RS, Singh V, Pal S, Meena SK, Meena VS, Sharma BK, Singh HB, Rakshit A (2018). Seed bio-priming of baby corn emerged as a viable strategy for reducing mineral fertilizer use and increasing productivity. Scientia Horticulturae 241, 93-99
- Meena RS, Meena VS, Meena SK, Verma JP (2015). Towards the plant stress mitigate the agricultural productivity: a book review. Journal of Cleaner Production 102, 552-553
- Meena SK, Rakshit A, Singh HB, Meena VS (2017). Effect of nitrogen levels and seed bio-priming on root infection, growth and yield attributes of wheat in varied soil type. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 12, 172-178
- BK Manjhi, S Pal, SK Meena, RS Yadav, A Farooqui, HB Singh, A Rakshit (2015). Mycorrhizoremediation of nickel and cadmium: a promising technology.Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 15(2): 647-652 / 0972-6268
- Meena VS, Maurya BR, Meena SK, Mishra PK, Bisht JK, Pattanayak A (2018). Potassium solubilization: Strategies to mitigate potassium deficiency in agricultural soils. Global Journal Of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences 7:3
- BK Manjhee, S Pal, A Farooqui, HB Singh, SK Meena, IB Maurya (2015). Mycorrhizoremediation of cadmium and nickel in peri urban soil of Varanasi. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 9(3): 2293-2303 / 0973-7510
- Meena VS, Meena SK, Bisht JK, Pattanayak A (2016). Conservation agricultural practices in sustainable food production. Journal of Cleaner Production 137, 690-691
Contact Details
Mobile No. – 8750789188
Email Id – sunita.meena@rpcau.ac.in