Dr. Mukesh Shrivastava
Professor cum Chief Scientist
Processing & Food Engineering
Academic Detail
Contact Details
Academic Detail
- B.Tech. (Hons.) in Agricultural Engineering: Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (JNKVV), Jabalpur (M. P.)
- M.Tech. in Post Harvest Engineering: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur (W. B.)
- Ph. D. in Post Harvest Engineering: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur (W. B.)
- Research Area: Processing and Food Engineering / Post Harvest Engineering & Technology
- Research Interest: Drying/Dehydration, Storage, Testing of processing machines etc.
- Shrivastava, M., Sharma, P. D., Khankari, K. K.1989. Densification of rice husk under cold and hot compression. Book titled “Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 4 – Power, Processing and Systems”. Ed. Vincent A. Dodd & Patrick M. Grace. Published by A. A. Balkema / Rotterdam, Neatherlands/ Brookfield, USA.
- Shrivastava, M., Sharma, P. D., Khankari, K. K. 1989. Densification of rice husk under cold and hot compression. Book titled “Energy and Environmental Progress – I, Volume D, Hydrogen Energy and Power Generation”. Ed. T. Najat Veziroglu. Nova Science Publishers, USA.
- Shrivastava, M., Sharma, P. D., Khankari, K. K. 1990. Briquetting of rice husk under hot compression. Book titled “Proceedings of the International Agricultural Engineering Conference and Exhibition (Volume II)”. Ed. V. M. Salokhe & S. G. Ilangantileke, AIT, Bangkok.
- Shrivastava, M., Ngomodir, M., Pandey, P. H. 1990. Design and development of a low cost solar chilli dryer. Book titled “Proceedings of the International Agricultural Engineering Conference and Exhibition (Volume II)”. Ed. V. M. Salokhe & S. G. Ilangantileke, AIT, Bangkok.
- Sharma, P. D., Shrivastava, M., Bhole, N. G. Water absorption characteristics of soybean. Book titled “Proceedings of the International Agricultural Engineering Conference and Exhibition (Volume II)”. Ed. V. M. Salokhe & S. G. Ilangantileke, AIT, Bangkok, 1990.
- Shrivastava, M., Datta, A. K. 1998. Determination of specific heat and thermal conductivity of mushroom (pleurotus florida). Journal of Food Engineering, U.K., 39(3).
- Shrivastava, M. 2004. Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of oyster mushrooms. RAU Journal of Research, Vol. 14 ( 1): 124-128.
- Sharma, P. D., Shrivastava, M. 2005. Fluidization characteristics of pea grains. RAU Journal of Research, Vol. 15 (1 & 2): 136 – 139.
- Sharma, P. D., Akbari, S., Shrivastava, M. and Kumar, V. Effect of blanching on drying kinetics and quality of solar dried cabbage. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 51(2):29-35.
- Kumar, V., Sharma, P. D., Rajak, D. and Shrivastava, M. 2015. Solar drying and quality characteristics of Okra as affected by blanching. Environmental and Ecology. Vol. 34 (38): 1297-1302.
- Kumari A., Shrivastava, M. 2018. Effect of storage duration on moisture uptake of Green Gram stored in hermetic and other bags. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. Vol. 7(3): 3118-3121.
- Kumari A., Shrivastava, M. Effect of storage duration on water activity of Green Gram stored in hermetic and other bags. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 7(7). 2018, pp. 733-740 [NAAS Rating 5.38].
- Kumari A., Shrivastava, M. Effect of storage duration on germination percentage of green gram (Vigna radiate L.) stored in hermetic and other bags. International Journal of Chemical Studies, Vol. 7(2), 2019, pp 394-397.
- Kumari, S.; Shrivastava, M. and Namrata, K. Process technology development of maize – legume mix bari. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol. 8(2), 2019, pp 2007-2010.
- Kumari A., Shrivastava, M. Variation in grain damage of Green Gram stored in hermetic and other bags. The Pharma Innovation Journal, Vol. 8(4), 2019, pp 772-775.
- Kumari A., Shrivastava, M. Variation in thousand grain weight of Green Gram stored in hermetic and other bags. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Vol. 8(6). 2019, pp. 2174-2180
Contact Details
Moblile No. – 6203132402 / 9430998697 / 7762091801
Email id – mukesh_pusa@yahoo.com