Dr. D.N. Kamat
Assistant Prof.- cum – Scientist
Plant Breeding and Genetics
Academic Detail
Contact Details
Academic Detail
- Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding– Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar.
- M.Sc.(Ag) Plant Breeding – Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa
- B.Sc.(Ag) – Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa
- Research Area– Sugarcane Breeding and Tissue Culture
- Research interest:
- Conventional Breeding for quantity as well as quality development with biotic and abiotic stress tolerance.
- Tissue Culture and Molecular Characterization.
- Balkrishna, Kamat, D.N.,Kumari, Juli and Divya Prakash.2018 Genetic divergence of sugarcane under waterlogging condition. J. Pure and Appl.Biosci. 6(1):210-218.
- Balkrishna and Kamat, D.N. 2018 Evaluation of sugarcane(Saccharumofficinaram L ) midlate clones under waterlogging condition of Bihar(India). Applied Biological Research 20(1): 55-61
- Minnatullah, M. and Kamat, D.N. 2018 Losses due to red rot pathogen in cane juice quality J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(2): 13-16.
- Bal Krishna, Kamat, D.N. ,Kumar, B., Ram, J. J, Kumar, G..Kumar, Kumar, S. Ranjan, R. Bharati, S.P. 2017 Study of Genetic Variability among Midlate Maturing Sugarcane Clones for Different Yield and Juice Quality Traits under Waterlogged Condition. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(7): 1390-1397.
- Balkrishna and Kamat, D.N.2017 Character association among cane yield and their component traits in sugarcane under waterlogged condition.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(10):2331-2339.
- Kumar, B., Kamat, D.N. and Pandey, S.S 2016 CoP09437-Ahigh yielding midlate maturing sugarcane variety identified for commercial cultivation in North Central and North Eastern zones of India. Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology30(02):63-66
- Kamat,D.N.,Singh,S.P.,Jeena,A.S.,Khan,K.A.,Kumar,A.and Kumar,V.2015 Performance of early maturing sugarcane clones across the environments for cane and sugar yield.Frontiers of Crop Improvement 3(2):131-136
- Kumar,, B. Pandey, S.S. and Kamat, D.N.2010 Genotypes X environment interaction adaptation in sugarcane under North Bihar condition.Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 25(1&2): 33-38
- Kamat, D.N. and Singh J.R.P. 2002 Correlation study in sugarcane under rainfedcondition . Annals of Biology 18(2) 117-119
- Kamat, D.N and Singh J.R.P.2001 Variability in sugarcane under rainfed condition.Sugar Tech 3(1-2): 65-67.
Contact Details
Mobile No. – 9801454742 | 9473340957 | 6201901839
Email Id – dnkamat@rpcau.ac.in