Dr. C.K. JHA
Asstt. Professor-cum-Scientist
Soil Science
Academic Detail
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Academic Detail
- Ph.D. Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry – Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
- M.Sc.(Ag), Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry – Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
- Area of specialization
- Soil Fertility/Chemistry/Microbiology/ Sugarcane Production Technology
- Kumari, Smita and Jha, C. K. 2018. Influence of sodium chloride induce salinity on growth, yield and juice quality of promising sugarcane genotypes. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7(06): 1366-1375
- Jha, C.K and Thakur S. K.2018. Integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizer on yield, uptake and quality of sugarcane in calcareous soil. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 31(1): 1-7.
- Jha, C.K., Sinha, S.K and Thakur, S.K. 2017. Enhancing soil fertility, nutrient uptake and sugarcane productivity through integrated use of iron and organics in sub-tropical system. Indian Journal of Ecology 44 (5) 521-525.
- Jha, C. K., Sinha, S. K., Alam, M. and Pandey, S.S. 2017. Fertilizer and manurial potential of sugarcane waste: An overview. Indian Journal of Fertilizer13 (2) 34-39.
- Sinha, S.K; Jha, C.K., Kumar Vipin; and Pandey, S.S. 2017. Yield and soil organic carbon pool in relation to soil fertility of sugarcane (Saccharumspp hybrid complex) plant-ratoon system under integrated nutrient management. Indian Journal of Agronomy 62(1) 25-30.
- Jha, C.K., Sinha, S.K., Alam, M. and Pandey, S.S. 2015. Effect of bio-compost and Zn application on sugarcane (Saccharum species hybrid complex) productivity, quality and soil health. Indian Journal of Agronomy 60 (3): 62-68.
- Sinha, S. K. Jha, C.K. Kumar, V. Kumari G. and Alam M. 2014.Integrated effect of bio-methanated distillery effluent and bio-compost on soil properties, juice quality and yield of sugarcane in Entisol. Sugar Tech 16 (1): 75-79.
- Jha, C.K., Sinha, S. K. and Alam, M. 2013. Utilization of bio-methanated distillery spent wash and bio-compost for sugarcane production and improving soil fertility. Environment & Ecology 31 (4): 1709-1713.
- Thakur S.K, Jha, C.K., Alam, M and Singh V.P. 2012.Productivity, quality and soil fertility of sugarcane (Saccharumspp complex hybrid) plant and ratoon grown under organic and conventional farming system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (10): 896-899.
- Thakur, S.K., Jha, C.K., Kumari Geeta and Singh, V.P. 2010. Effect of Trichoderma inoculated trash, nitrogen level and bio-fertilizer on performance of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) in calcareous soils of Bihar. Indian Journal of Agronomy 55(4) 55-58.
Contact Details
Mobile No. – 9608515389
Email Id – ckjsri1975@gmail.com