Turmeric, ginger, colocasia and elephant foot yam can be successfully grown in the interspaces of Litchi orchard even at the age of ten years with 6.5 – 23.6 % reduction in yield for turmeric, 12.4 – 38.2 % for ginger, 9.8 – 30.2 % for colocasia and 22.5 – 40.5 % for elephant foot yam. These reductions can be compensated by the additional yield of Litchi showing approximately 35 % more yield as compared to the pure orchard. Economic analysis of the systems in terms of “Gross discounted benefit : Gross discounted cost ratio” revealed that litchi + turmeric gave a higher value (4.26) followed by litchi + ginger (2.70), litchi + elephant foot yam (2.14) and litchi + colocassia (2.07). |