- The first Ordinances made under sub-section (2) of section 27 may be amended or repealed at any time by the Board in the manner specified below.
- No Ordinances in respect of the matters enumerated in section 27, other than those enumerated in clause (n) of sub-section (1) thereof shall be made by the Board unless a draft of such Ordinance has been proposed by the Academic Council.
- The Board shall not have power to amend any draft of any Ordinance proposed by the Academic Council under clause (2), but may reject the proposal or return the draft to the Academic Council for reconsideration either in whole or in part, together with any amendment which the Board may suggest.
- Where the Board has rejected or returned the draft of an Ordinance proposed by the Academic Council, the Academic Council may consider the question afresh and in case the original draft is reaffirmed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting and more than half the total member of numbers of the Academic Council, the draft may be sent back to the Board which shall either adopt it or refer it to the Visitor whose decision shall be final.
- Every Ordinance made by the Board shall come into effect immediately.
- Every Ordinance made by the Board shall be submitted to the Visitor within two weeks from the date of its adoption.
- The Visitor shall have the power to direct the University within four weeks of the receipt of the Ordinance to suspend the operation of any such Ordinance and he shall, as soon as possible, inform the Board about his objection to the proposed Ordinance.
- The Visitor may, after receiving the comments of the University, either withdraw the order suspending the Ordinance, or disallow the Ordinance and his decision shall be final.
Regulations: 40.
- The authorities of the University may make Regulations consistent with the Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances for the following matters, namely:—
- laying down the procedure to be observed at meetings and the number of members required to form a quorum;
- providing for all matters which are required by the Act, the Statutes or the Ordinances to be specified by the Regulations;
- providing for all other matters concerning such authority or Committees appointed by them and not provided for by the Act, the Statutes or the Ordinances.
- Every authority of the University shall make Regulations providing for the giving of notice to the members of such authorities of the dates of meetings and of the business to be considered at meetings and for the keeping of a record of the proceedings of meetings.
- The Board may direct the amendment in such manner as it may specify of any Regulation made under the Statutes or the annulment of any such Regulation.