About the Department
The Department of Horticulture established during the year 2015 under the Faculty of Agriculture to start PG teaching in vegetable science and fruit science & also for research and extension activities vide O.O. no. 77/Registrar / RAU, Pusa dt. 23.06.2015, in consequent upon approval by the Academic Council vide O.O. no. 139/2014 dt. 20.09.2014 & Board of Management in its 85th meeting held on 09.05.2015 (memo no. 359/RAU, Pusa dt. 09.05.2015).
- Increment in area and production under horticultural crops.
- Implementation of advanced technologies for production, improvement, protection and post harvest management of various horticultural crops.
- Varietal improvement against various abiotic and biotic stresses.
- Development of climate resilient varieties/technologies.
- Timely regulation of different all the three pillars, viz., teaching, research and extension activities to cater to the needs of students, farmers and other beneficiaries.
- Accomplishment of good quality teaching with modern teaching tools focused on latest research and inquisitiveness of students to enable them to qualify various examinations at national and international level with flying colors.
- Execution of various experiments targeting the issues of horticultural crops growers of this region and also implementation of advanced technologies in research.
- Farm level demonstrations, advisory meetings, trainings in various forums, both offline and online to facilitate better adoption of various particulars by the targeted beneficiaries.
- Release of varieties addressing against problems of the region.
- Providing technical guidance to ground level problems of farmers.
- Production and distribution of quality planting materials of various horticultural plants.
- Empowering students excel in various national and international level examinations.
Degrees Offered
S. No. | Degree Offered | Subject/ Discipline | No. of Seats | Eligibility Qualifications |
i | M. Sc. (Ag) | Horticulture (Vegetable Science) | 06+01* | B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/Horticulture |
ii | M. Sc. (Ag) | Horticulture (Fruit Science) | 06+01* | B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/Horticulture |
Facilities and Infrastructure
Adequate infra-structure are available like:
- Smart Class rooms
- Lecture Hall
- Adequately Equipped PG/Research Laboratories
- Hi-tech Horticulture Unit
Research Fields
S. No. | Crop | Variety | Year | Developer’s Name |
1. | Coriander | Rajendra Dhania -1 | 2018 | Dr. S.P. Singh (Horticulturist) ; A.K. Mishra; Pathologist); U. Mukherjee (Entomologist) & S.S Prasad (Soil Scientist) |
2. | Coriander | Rajendra Dhania -2 | 2018 | Dr. S.P. Singh (Horticulturist); Dr. A.K. Mishra (Pathologist); Dr. U. Mukherjee (Entomologist); Dr. S.S Prasad (Soil Scientist); (Dr. RPCAU, Pusa, Bihar) |
3. | Turmeric | Rajendra Haldi -1 | 2020 | Dr.S.P. Singh (Horticulturist); Dr.A.K. Mishra (Pathologist); Dr.C. Mukhim (Horticulturist); Dr.S.S Prasad (Soil Scientist); Dr.R. Prasad (Entomologist). |
4 | Garlic | Rajendra Lahsun-1 | 2020 | Dr. Udit Kumar (Horticulturist); Dr. L. M. Yadav(Horticulturist); Dr. A.K. Mishra (Pathologist); Dr. R. Prasad (Entomologist); Dr. S.S Prasad (Soil Scientist). |
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Garlic (Allium sativum L.) variety Rajendra Lahsun-1 – recommended for released by 9th Rabi RCM-2020. | Developed technology entitled Standardization of planting time and spacing of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum L.). |
Faculty awards/ honours:
- Department of Horticulture received first prize in stall exhibit during Kisan Mela 2017.
- Dr. A. K. Singh was awarded with CHAI JISL Fellowship-2018 on 27th. July, 2018 in the 7th. Annual General Meeting of CHAI-2018 during National Conference on Intensification and Diversification in Agriculture for Livelihood and Rural Development from 28th to 31st May, 2018 held at RPCAU, Pusa (Samastipur) Bihar.
- Dr. Pramila received Outstanding Horticulturist Award 2019-2020 by PRAGATI 2019 held at Dhanbad Jharkhand
- Dr. Pramila received Young teacher Award2018 by society for agriculture innovation and development Ranchi
- Dr. Pramila received Young Scientist Award by ICFA2018 Held at Dhanbad Jharkhand
- Dr. L.M. Yadav received life time achievement award in the field of horticulture in recognition of novelty, valuable contribution and achievements in 3rd national conference on promoting and reinvigorating Agri-Horticulture, technological innovating held on 24-25 December, 2019, GAPS Green Agri Professional Society.
Research activities:
National Project | PI | Co-PI |
AICRP on Fruits | Dr. S.K.Singh | Dr. A.K.Panda |
AICRP on Floriculture | Dr. A.K.Singh | Dr. Roshini Agnihotri |
AICRP on Vegetable Crops | Dr. Udit Kumar | Dr. Pramila |
National Horticultural Board Project | Dr. Udit Kumar | Dr. A.K.Singh |
National Horticultural Mission Project | Dr. Udit Kumar | Dr. Pramila |
Publications: Technical Bulletins:
i. Sabji ki unnat kheti 2017. Sudhir Das, Udit Kumar and S.P.Singh, RPCAU, Pusa
ii. Sabji utpadan ki navintam taqnik 2020. Udit Kumar and B. M. Sinha, Manohar Prasad Singh and Arun Kumar RPCAU, Pusa
1. Text Books:
i. Udit Kumar and Birendra Prasad 2016. Horticultural Technology Management, Narendra Publication, New Delhi
ii. Birendra Prasad and Udit Kumar 2017. Innovative Agriculture: Techniques And Practices (2017), Biotech Books, New Delhi
iii. Udit Kumar 2020. Nimbus: Glimpses of Vegetable Science, Biotech Books, New Delhi\
iv. K. Prasad and Udit Kumar 2021.Vegetable Science Bulletin
2.Lab Manuals:
i. K. Prasad, S. P. Singh and Udit Kumar (2020) Practical Manual: Post Harvest Management and Value addition of Fruits and Vegetables (AHT-301), Publication Division, RPCAU, Pusa
ii. Training manual: Udit Kumar, A.K.Singh (2020) Udyan parshichhan manual-2020 Publication Division, RPCAU, Pusa
Extension Activities:
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Event | Name of Event | Date and Year
1. | Dr. L. M. Yadav | Training | Six months Mali Training Programme | 21 May – 16 Nov 2015 |
2. | Dr. S. K. Rai | Training | One year Supervisor Training Programme | February 2016 to 2017 |
3. | Dr. A. K. Singh | Training | HRD training of Farm Manager and Technician of KVKs , RPCAU, Pusa | 31 August, 2018
4. | Dr. Udit Kumar | Training | Six months Mali Training Programme | 16 Jan-15 July 2020 |
Following recommendation were also made
- Organic production of spinach beet (2020): It can be concluded that application of Vermicompost (3t/ha) + PSB (5kg/ha) + Azospirrilium (5kg/ha) produced best yield (22.69 t/ha.) and highest benefit-cost ratio (2.18) as compared to other treatments.
- INM studies in French Bean (2020): It can be concluded that application of 75% NPK through inorganic + 25% N through Vermicompost produced best yield (9.56 t/ha) and highest benefit-cost ratio (2.16) as compared to other treatments
- Standardization of Vegetable-Based Cropping Sequence under Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse (2020): It can be recommended that cropping sequence, Capsicum– Brinjal – Cucumber recorded maximum production (1009.00 kg/100m2/year) and production efficiency (2.76 kg/100m2/year) which was at par with cropping sequence; Tomato– Okra – Cucumber with total production of 975.98 kg/100m2/year and production efficiency 2.67 kg/100m2/year. Benefit: cost ratio was highest (3.53) in Capsicum– Brinjal – Cucumber.
- NRCB Selection-08 (Banana) (2017): Superior for higher yield and (21.93 kg/ha) than local check (16.90 kg/ha). NRCB selection-08 with its 31.43% higher productivity is expected to increase the production of culinary bananas. This selection is expected to be adapted in all states with polyclonal system of cultivation like, AP, Odisha, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Bihar and Assam.
- Production of quality planting material in banana through macro propagation (2017): Application of saw dust (2 kg/corm) + VAM (30g/corm) + BAP (4 ml/l) + Bacillus subtilis (30 g/corm) for 11 varieties. Whereas for variety Rajapuri the effective treatment was application of saw dust (2 kg/corm) + VAM (30 g/corm) + Tricohdermaviride (30 g/corm). The treatment has taken less number of days for formation of bud.
- Management of Fusarium wilt of banana using chemical fungicides (2017): Dipping the disease free pared suckers in Carbendazim solution (0.2%) for 30 minutes + 250 g Vermicompost/neem cake at the time of planting drenching with 0.2 % Carbendazim @ 2-3 litres/plant at 2nd, 4th and 6th month after planting + stem injection with Carbendazim @ 3ml of 2% solution at 3rd, 5th and 7th month after planting was found effective (80.86% reduction in wilt index) with a B: C ratio of 4.3:1.
- Balanced application of nutrients in papaya (2017): Balanced application of nutrients viz., 100% of N, P2O5 and K2O in three splits i.e, 50:50:25% from transplanting to flower emergence, 25:25:25% from flowering to first harvest and 25:25:50% from first harvest to end of first cropping period is recommended for obtaining higher yield with high BC ratio.
- Management of PRSV disease (2018): Technology has been identified for management of papaya ring spot virus under agro-ecological conditions of Bihar.
- Planting time-Papaya should be planted in the month of October after rainy season.
- Seedling raising-Papaya seedlings should be raised under Nylon net (40-60 mesh) and spraying of Acephate @1.5g / litre, 3 days before planting should be given.
- Use of border crop-Two rows Sesbania as a border crop should be grown.
- Use of nutrient- Urea @ 10g/liter combined with Zinc sulphate @1.5g and Boron @ 1.0g per litre should be applied as spray at monthly intervals up to 8 months.
- Integrated Management of Papaya Diseases (2019): Technologies have been identified for integrated management of papaya diseases under the agro-ecological conditions of Bihar.
- Grow two rows of maize / castor/sesbania as border crop.
- Seed treatment with captan @ 5 g / 100g seed.
- Raise seedling under Nylan net (40-60 mesh) followed by spray of acephate 1.5g/l three days before transplanting.
- Take following measures to prevent development of various diseases on standing papaya crop starting from 30 day till flowering:
- For protection against PRSV diseases apply Neem Oil (2%) + 0.5ml/l sticker as foliar application at monthly interval upto 8th months.ü
For good quality fruits as well as resistance induction against PRSV, use Urea @10g + Zinc Sulphate @ 15g + Boron @ 10g/l at monthly interval upto 8th months.ü - To check the development of root rot, drench the soil with Hexaconazole @ 2ml /l at monthly interval upto 8th months.
- Macro-propagated plants as low-cost planting material for banana cultivation (2021): The technology on macro-propagation of banana was recommended as an effective low-cost plant. Multiplication technique of banana under the agro-ecological conditions of Bihar.
- Enhancing nutrient Use efficiency in papaya (2021): Based on the experimental result, in Bihar the papaya growers may be recommended to grow the papaya crop with raised bed cultivation, following drip irrigation (80% ER at all stages) and fertigation (75% RDF), applying mulching with 100-micron UV stabilized black polyethylene. The crop should be sprayed with micronutrients (ZnSO4 (0.5%) + boric acid (0.2%) alternate months from second month for having a higher input use efficiency.
- Evaluated five genotypes for cut flower production under poly house condition (2015): Rose genotype IIHR-3-18-2 produced best results for all the three year of experimentation. It is recommended for the production of cut flower under poly-house conditions along with cultural practices of FYM-12 kg /sqm and N:P:K-40: 20: 20 g/plant at spacing of 60 cm x 20 cm on raised bed in the month of August-September.
- Evaluated six tuberose genotypes under North Bihar agro-ecological situation (2015): The genotype “Prajwal” was found the best with respect to cut spikes and florets for all the three years of experimentation. It is recommended for commercial cultivation in Bihar along with cultural practices of FYM – 20 ton/ha and N: P: K – 120 : 60 : 60 kg / ha at spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm in the month of March-April.
- Weed management in Gladiolus (2015): The pre emergence application of Pendimethalin @ 0.75 kg a.i. / ha produced the best results among all treatments continuously for three years. It is recommended for production of good size gladiolus spike in Bihar along with cultural practices of FYM-15 ton/ha and N: P: K – 100: 60: 40 kg/ha at spacing of 30 cm x 20 cm in the month of October – November.
- Weed management in marigold (2016): The pre emergence application of Pendimithline @ 1.0 kg/ha followed by two hand weeding at 30 and 60 DAP recorded the highest marigold flower yield and fetched the maximum net returned. It is recommended for production of good size of flowers and higher yield of marigold in Bihar along with cultural practices of FYM-20 ton/ha and N: P: K -140: 60: 60 kg/ha at spacing of 45 cm x 45 cm in the month of October – November.
- Testing of six genotypes of gladiolus under North Bihar agro-ecological condition. (2016): The gladiolus genotype “Arka Naveen” produced best results for all the three year of experimentation. This is recommended for commercial cultivation in state of Bihar along with cultural practices of FYM-15 ton and N: P: K – 100: 60: 60 kg/ha at spacing of 30 cm x 20 cm in the month of October – November.
- Evaluated seven tuberose genotypes under North Bihar agro-ecological condition. (2017): The genotype “Bidhan Rajani H-1” produced best results for all the three year of experimentation. This is recommended for commercial cultivation in state of Bihar along with cultural practices of FYM – 20 ton and N: P: K – 120: 60: 60 kg / ha at spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm in the month of March.
- Standardization of planting date of onion and garlic (2017): For Kharif & Rabi onion cultivation based on experiments conducted under AINRP (Onion and Garlic) at TCA, Dholi 15th August and 15th December planting date were found most suitable for higher yield.
- Advanced varietal trial in garlic (2017): Best entry of garlic RAUG12 was selected and the planting material provided from TCA, Dholi centre to DOGR for advanced varietal trial.
- INM in Ginger (2017): For ginger production under INM, FYM @ 30 t/ha and NPK 80 : 50 : 80 / ha was recommended for maximum production of ginger. The cost benefit ratio was 1 : 3.
- Micro nutrients (2017): For turmeric production foliar spray of micro nutrients @ 0.5% at 60 and 90 days after sowing was recommended to the farmers for higher turmeric production with cost benefit ratio 1: 2.34.
Name | Designation | Contact No. | E-mail Id |
Dr. Udit Kumar | Associate Professor-cum-Senior Scientist & Head | 6287797190 | udit@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Sudhir Das | Associate Professor | 9955294145 | sudhir.das@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Anil Kumar Singh | Assistant Professor | 9431898889 / 9304825742 | anil.hort@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Pramila | Assistant Professor | 7488470788 | pramila@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Asish Kumar Panda | Assistant Professor | 9468356627 / 8072348737 | akpanda@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Neeharika Kanth | Assistant Professor | 9315506863 | neeharika@rpcau.ac.in |