[vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column][porto_interactive_banner banner_title=”Biotech Kisan Hub Project” banner_image=”22432″ banner_style=”style2″ image_opacity=”1″ image_opacity_on_hover=”1″][vc_tta_accordion color=”green” spacing=”2″ gap=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”Introduction” tab_id=”1635586330703-f9c32f83-5520″][vc_column_text]
The project was operated from Dr Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa where a total of 150 beneficiary farmers were selected in three Aspirational Districts of Bihar viz., Muzaffarpur, Begusarai and Sitamarhi respectively, in collaboration with three KVKs that function as sub hub i.e., KVK, Muzaffarpur, KVK, Begusarai and KVK, Sitamarhi. Among the farmers selected, 120 of them were marginal farmers that were trained for growing high value horticultural crops and the rest 30 farmers were landless women for development entrepreneurship through goat rearing. Through implementation of this project the farmers were able to gain much confidence and skills towards adoption new technology either in terms of agronomical practices or growing high quality high yielding varieties. With the constant training, diagnostic visits and monitoring team of experts from RPCAU, Pusa and respective KVKs, Biotech KISAN Hub staff, the farmers were able to improve their income through scientific cultivation, preparation of value-added products and selling of vegetable seedlings.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Administrative and Investigators details” tab_id=”1588244436642-c6861b0e-6bc1″][vc_column_text]
Patron: Vice Chancellor (RPCAU) | ||||
Director Research (RPCAU) | ||||
Project Facilitator: Dr Krishna Kumar, Dean , PDUCH&F | ||||
Project PI’s ( Three Aspirational Districts – Horticultural crops) | ||||
Muzaffarpur | Sitamarhi | Begusarai | ||
Dr S K Verma, Professor | Dr C Mukhim, Asstt. Prof. | Dr R Agnihotri, Asstt. Prof. | ||
Project PI & Co-PI ( All three Aspirational Districts – Goatary Animal Sciences ) | ||||
Dr R K Asthana, Asstt. Prof. |
Dr Pramod Kumar, Asstt. Prof. | |||
Project Co PI’s ( Three Aspirational Districts ) : | ||||
Muzaffarpur | Sitamarhi | Begusarai | ||
Shri Rohit Maurya, SMS | Dr M Panjikar, SMS | Dr Neeraj, SMS | ||
Project Young-Professional II | ||||
Muzaffarpur | Sitamarhi | Begusarai | ||
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Objectives” tab_id=”1601360510133-2d35c8fd-37c7″][vc_column_text]
- To impart knowledge and skills among farmers through technological intervention on bio-inputs and soil health management in high value vegetable and fruit crops.
- To develop entrepreneurship among farmers through improved breed of goat rearing for assuring additional returns.
- To train and demonstrate the farmers in good agricultural practices, modern scientific technologies, safe post-harvest handling and efficient marketing strategies.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Technologies Disseminated / Interventions Made under the project” tab_id=”1635588489569-c6fde3dd-38a3″][vc_column_text]
Under this project our team is engaged with providing good agricultural practices through line sowing / transplanting, appropriate seed treatment (Rhizobium culture for pea, pre-sowing treatment before seedling production) and raised bed nursery production management. Providing and facilitating, high yielding varieties, promoting good intercultural operations through farm implements for weed management and timely advice for insect pest management. Also, demonstrating the relay cropping for minimizing the cost of cultivation and maximizing the production by increasing the cropping intensity and promoting continuous agricultural operations which generated more man days / employment. The details are –
Name of the interventions / Technologies transferred | No. of Beneficiary | Adoption | Change in income | |||
Fully adopted | Partially adopted | Not adopted | Before (%) | After (%) | ||
1. Popularisation of nutri-rich variety | 136 | 90 | 46 | 0 | 33.6 | 55.3 |
2. No. of Soil Health card provided | 120 | 120 | 0 | 0 | 38.5 | 65.4 |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Major Benefits” tab_id=”1635591737477-b1c2c314-42b0″][vc_column_text]
Following are the some significant achievements& benefits accured by the farmers through Biotech KISAN Hub Programme:-
- A total of 120 acre of land were geotagged which belongs to 120 beneficiary farmers where 1 acre demonstration units each were developed for growing high value horticultural crops in three Aspirational Districts of Bihar viz., Muzaffarpur, Begusarai and Sitamarhi respectively.
- Quality seed and bio-inputs distribution: Providing location and soil specific based best high value seed inputs having high yield, disease resistant and stresses tolerant varieties.
- Rabi, 2021: Cauliflower (Syngenta- Hyb Lucky-200NSDS), Broccoli (F1-Mariya), French Bean (Falguni), Pointed Gourd (Rajendra Parwal-2, Dandari), Tomato –Heemraj, Himshekar), Pea (Acsen OP Goldy).
- Details of Biofertilizers and other bioinputs: Trichoderma, PSB, Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Waste decomposer and neem based pesticides.
- Summer, 2022: High yielding quality seeds were provided during the month of Jan-February, 2022 for timely sowing of summer vegetables.
- With intervention of high value horticultural crops the farmer are able to grow more number of crops on a same piece of land simultaneously by adopting relay cropping system or by intercropping of vegetables on same piece of land for avoiding disease infestation and other Symbiotic practices done by selecting specific type of crops o same piece of land by which both the crop get benefitted.
- A switch from cereal crops to high value horticultural crops has led to an increase in income of farmers at Sitamarhi districts. The average net income earned per farmer from 1acre of land is Rs. 1,084,81/-. At Begusarai and Muzaffarpur district, the average net income earned by the farmer is of Rs. 85,404/- and Rs. 73,746/- respectively.
- Constant training monitoring and diagnostic visits (Viz:- Cultural operations, timely sowing, harvesting time & critical stage of irrigation disease management practices etc.) are being made by scientist of RPCAU and KVK’s to sort out different issues faced by the Biotech KISAN Hub farmers.
Number of direct and indirect farmers beneficiaries (including women and SC/ST farmers):-
Sitamarhi | Direct Beneficiaries | Indirect Beneficiaries | ||||||||||||
General/ OBC | SC | General/ OBC | SC | |||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | |||||||
33 | 7 | – | 10 | 252 | 33 | 35 | 18 | |||||||
Direct Beneficiaries | Indirect Beneficiaries | ||||||||||||
General/ OBC | SC | General/ OBC | SC | |||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | |||||||
36 | 01 | 03 | 10 | 400 | 35 | 70 | 20 | |||||||
Begusarai | Direct Beneficiaries | Indirect Beneficiaries | ||||||||||||
General/ OBC | SC | General/ OBC | SC | |||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | |||||||
39 | 01 | – | 10 | 150 | 25 | 30 | 13 | |||||||
Total- | 108 | 09 | 03 | 30 | 802 | 93 | 135 | 51 |
Further classification of farmer based on social status:
Name of Aspirational districts | Gen | OBC | BC | SC | Total |
Muzaffarpur | 05 | 39 | 02 | 04 | 50 |
Begusarai | 06 | 30 | – | 14 | 50 |
Sitamadhi | – | 40 | 04 | 06 | 50 |
Total | 11 | 109 | 06 | 24 | 150 |
Number of training programmes/events organized during the period under the programme:-
Districts | Numbers |
Muzaffarpur | 10 |
Begusarai | 8 |
Sitamarhi | 12 |
Total | 30 |
Number of rural entrepreneurship developed:-
S.No. | Name with address | Quality/ performance |
1. | Sh. Ranjeet Kumar, S/o-Dukha Sah, Ward 2, Barakapur, Muzaffarpur | Nursery management for production of good quality vegetable seedlings/ planting materials& Plant propagation methods etc. |
2. | Sh. Ganaur Singh, S/o- Durga Singh, gram – Basauli, Muzaffarpur | Farm management for adoption and better use of resources for improved agronomical practices (relay cropping / multi layered cropping/ intercropping/ utilization of crop waste as mulch) through intensive production of vegetables and seed Spices. |
3. | Sh. Santosh Kumar, S/o. JayramBhagat, Kermadih, Muzaffarpur | Providing awareness regarding better marketing of the produce through cooperative approach basis. |
4. | Sh. Dasharath Shah,S/o-Hanuman Sah, Kermadih, Muzaffarpur | Management of gotary production through veterinary medical approaches and other facilities etc. |
5. | Sri Raj Kishore Mahto, S/o- VaidyanathMahato, Khodawandpur, Begusarai | High value vegetable cultivation with minimal agro-chemical usages along with nursery raising and adoption and demonstration of pro-tray technology. He even won many prizes for his exhibition purpose vegetables grown at District Agriculture Fair 2021. |
6. | Sh. Vijendra Kumar, S/o- RamsagunMahato, Phaphot, Begusarai | Farm management for adoption of improved agronomical practices and improved varieties (relay cropping / multi layered cropping/Intercropping/Utilization of crop waste as mulch) through intensive production of vegetables and seed Spices. Promoting to do relay cropping, Multilayer farming, intercropping, value added product, farming With Goatry, Mulching & HDP (High density Planting). |
7. | Sh. Ram Kumar Singh, S/o- Bhishan Singh, Bikrarampur, Begusarai | Promoting organic cultivation in fruits (Banana and Papaya) and vegetables. Upliftment of fellow farmers through co-operative marketing-based approach. |
8. | Sh. Vaijnath Raut S/o-Santlal Raut, Majhur, Sitamarhi | Nursery management for production of good quality vegetable seedlings/ planting materials& Plant propagation methods like air layering etc. |
9. | Sh. Suneel Kumar, S/o- Ram Gulam Singh, Majhuar, Sitamarhi | Farm management for adoption and better use of resources for improved agronomical practices (relay cropping / multi layered cropping/ intercropping/ utilization of crop waste as mulch) through intensive production of vegetables and seed Spices. |
10. | Sh. Sanjay Singh S/o- Thakuri Singh, Majhuar, Sitamarhi | Providing awareness regarding better marketing of the produce through cooperative approach basis. |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Success Stories” tab_id=”1601360543822-931c3cc3-ae64″][vc_column_text]
1. Success story of Sri. Arvind Kumar
A success story of Sri. Arvind Kumar a 45 years old and a resident of Majhaur village of Nanpur block, Sitamarhi has inspired many farmers where his earlier net income from growing mainly paddy, wheat and green gram is only Rs. 40,000/- and after attending many trainings under this project, he was able to acquire scientific knowledge of improved cultivation practices and gained confidence to cultivate high value vegetable and fruit crops like tomato, pointed gourd late cauliflower, papaya, cucumber, bitter gourd during rabi and summer season, where he was able to get a bumper production and earned a net profit of Rs. 1,16,000/- in a year. |
2. Success story of Smt. Rekha Devi
Another success story of a women farmer, Smt. Rekha Devi, resident of Majhaur village of Nanpur block where she has started with value addition of tomato in form of tomato sauce and ketchup. Apart from this, she has started another entrepreneurship intervention in plug nursery of vegetable crops wherein she has produced 20,000 seedlings of tomato and earned Rs. 40,000/- additional income. She has earned name and fame in and around the village of Manjhaur.
3. Success story of Shri Rajkishore Mahto
Shri Rajkishore Mahto, Aged – 36, resident of Village- Mushehari,Block- Khodawandpur, Begusarai. A bumper Vegetables Production in the year 2021. He earned net profit of Rs.1,15,000.00 from his 1.0 acres of land.
4. Success story of Shri Bodhan Mahto
Shri Bodhan Mahto, Aged – 52, resident of Village-Gopalpur, Block- Cheriyabariyarpur, Begusarai is a benificiary farmer of Biotech KISAN Hub Project. Cultivation and value addition of marigold and annual chrysanthemum by making lari and wedding décor, he earned net profit of Rs.55,000 from his 0.5 acres of land in one season.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Gallery” tab_id=”1635587382307-f169cea7-daa7″][vc_column_text]
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