About the Department
The history of entomology at Pusa (Bihar) dates back to 1905, the period of Sir Maxwel Lefroy, the Imperial Entomologist at Imperial Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa who contributed to the monumental research work conducted in the region which took shape in his historical publication- The Indian Insect Life.
The Department of Entomology was established at Tirhut College of Agriculture mainly to teach Entomology to undergraduate students. After inception of the Rajendra Agricultural University at Pusa on 3rd December, 1970, it became a separate unit in the Faculty of Agriculture at Pusa Campus of the University with an objective of achieving excellence in teaching entomology to postgraduate students, conducting problem oriented research on insect pest of agricultural importance and extending latest technology development to farmers.
The Department of Entomology was established mainly to teach entomology to undergraduate students. Since inception of the University, it became a separate unit in the Faculty of Agriculture at Pusa Campus of Rajendra Agricultural University with an objective of achieving excellence in teaching entomology to postgraduate students, conducting problem oriented research on insect pests of agricultural importance, and extending latest technology development to farmers. Currently, this Department of Entomology is under PG College of Agriculture, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University.
The Department is well equipped with smart podiums for teaching. Italso has a strong presence in research in the area of economic entomology, insect ecology, biological control, acarology, soil biota, molecular entomology with facilities for insect DNA extraction and PCR amplification and insecticide toxicology having a state of the art pesticide residue laboratory equipped with GC, HPLC and other sophisticated analytical instruments. The apiculture unit is housed independently and is equipped with modern research facilities along processing unit. The faculty is highly qualified, made available from the under graduate unit at Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi and Sugarcane Research Institute, Pusa contributing their might to teaching and research capabilities thus, strengthening the overall human resource available in the department.
Major achievements of the department have been in the field of developing highly skilled personnel placed in reputed institutions, state department of Agriculture and Public Sector Undertakings. The technologies developed by the department are being regularly transferred to the farmers by the university. A major achievement of the department has been striking a balance in pursuing both the basic and applied aspects of entomology.
To be a leader in Entomological science by promoting quality education and multi disciplinary research in various fields of Entomology.
- To impart quality education to the students in the Department of Entomology ranging from basic aspects of arthropod ecology, morphology, physiology, systematics and toxicology to applied subjects in apiculture, sericulture and lac culture.
- To conduct the quality research on different aspects of Entomology for insect pest management under different agro-climatic zones of Bihar.
- To carry out services related to pest management and beneficial insects
- To establish a highly successful graduate program with a national and international reputation.
- To guide students in their development as professionals in their chosen fields of entomology.
- To provide scientific basis for obtaining sustainable crop productivity by enhancing biological control practices with minimal pesticide residues.
- To conduct basic research in pesticide residue analysis.
- To provide training to the farmer’s on Apiculture with the objective of enhancing the quality honey production besides increasing crop production through pollination.
- To train the farmer’s for the management of storage insect pests at community level.
- To develop IPM module for eco-friendly management of insect pests with minimal cost.
- To carry out research in host plant resistance and molecular entomology.
Degrees Offered
S. No. | Degree Offered | Subject/ Discipline | No. of Seats | Eligibility Qualifications |
i | M. Sc. (Ag) | Entomology | 13+02* | B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/Horticulture/ Forestry/Sericulture |
ii | Ph.D. | Entomology | 03+01* | M.Sc. (Ag.) Entomology / Plant Protection with Specialization in Entomology. |
Facilities and Infrastructure
- Smart class room with projector
- Seminar hall with digital podium
- Computer room for PG students
- Insect Museum
- PG Students research laboratory with modual laboratory furniture
- Pesticide residue analysis laboratory
- Biological control laboratory
- Molecular laboratory
- Host Plant Resistance laboratory
- Modern apiary with honey processing laboratory
List of major equipments | |
· Gas Liquid Chromatograph | · Refrigerated centrifuge |
· High Performance Liquid Chromatograph | · Table top centrifuge |
· Analytical balance | · PCR Unit |
· Water bath | · Gel electrophoresis unit |
· Magnetic stirrer with hot plate | · Distillation Unit |
· Electrophoresis and power supply | · Power back up with Batteries (10KVA) |
· Transilluminator | · Power back up with Batteries (5KVA) |
· Hot Air Oven | · BOD Incubator |
· Microwave oven | · Binocular Stereoscopic Microscope |
· DSLR Camera | · Trinocular Stereoscopic Microscope |
· Vortex Mixer | · Dissecting microscope |
· Deep freezer (-20 degree Celsius) | · Muffle furnace |
· Honey Processing Plant (Capacity- 2.5q/day) |
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Pesticide residue analysis laboratory | |
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Molecular laboratory | |
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Conference hall and Classroom | |
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Modern apiary with honey processing laboratory | |
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I. Technologies
Chemical Control of pigeonpea pod borer and pod fly
- Insecticides spray significantly reduced the incidence of pod borer in pigeon pea. Foliar application of multi micronutrient 2ml/litre of water together with RDF and two spray of insecticides. i.e., indoxacarb at flowering followed by profenofos 15 days after first spray produced maximum grain yield (2144.8 kg/ha) which was at par with spray of these insecticides with RDF (2066.9 kg/ha), Spray of multi micronutrient 2ml/litre of water at 50% flowering with RDF (2000.0 kg/ha) and spray of 1% urea + 0.25% Znso4 + 0.25% Borax at 50% flowering with RDF (1978.0 kg/ha) and significantly higher over spray of higher dose of urea, Znso4 and Borax separately with RDF.
- Sequential sprays of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC@30 g a.i./ha (0.3ml), Flubendiamide 480SC @30 g a.i./ha (0.2ml) and Dimethoate 30 EC@600 g a.i./ha (2.0ml) at 10 days interval starting from flower bud initiation stage is effective for managing pod borer (H. armigera) and podfly (M. obtusa) in pigeonpea.
I PM module of mungbean & urdbean
- Seed treatment with Imidachloprid 600FS 5ml/kg seed followed by foliar spray in rotation at 10 days intervals of diafenthiuron 50WP @312.5 a.i./ha, triazophos 40EC @400g a.i./ha and acetamiprid 20SP @20g a.i./ha. have proved most efficacious and economical for the management of whitefly in mungbean/urdbean
II. Research activities
National Project/University Funded Project | PI/Co-PI |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Rice | Dr. Md. Abbas Ahmad(Co-PI) |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Wheat and Barley | Dr. M.S.Sai Reddy (Co-PI) |
All India Coordinated Research Project on MAP & Betel vine | Dr. Manoj Kumar (Co-PI) |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Subtropical Fruits | Dr. M.K. Singh (Co-PI) |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Vegetable | Dr. M.K. Singh (Co-PI) |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Ornamentals | Dr. M.K. Singh (Co-PI) |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Honey bee and other pollinators | Dr. Nagendra Kumar (PI) |
Evaluation of medicinal plants for honey production round the year in Bihar | Dr. Nagendra Kumar (PI) |
Honey Mission Project | Dr. Nagendra Kumar (Co-PI) |
Identification of consortium of vegetation for sustainable production on medicinal honey | Dr. Nagendra Kumar (Co-PI) |
Dissipation and persistence of Different pesticides in Brinjal, Okra and Tomato | Dr. S.K.Sahoo (PI) |
Setting up of Integrated Beekeeping Development Centre (IBDC)/ Centre of Excellence (CoE) at KVK, East Champaran, Bihar | Dr. Md. Abbas Ahmad (Co-PI) |
Molecular Characterization of Important Insects of Vegetable Crops in Bihar | Dr. M.S.Sai Reddy and Dr. Md. Abbas Ahmad |
Establishment and Development of Biodiversity Park for Conservation of Native Flora and Fauna of Bihar | Dr. M.S.Sai Reddy (Co-PI) |
Evaluation of bioactivity of essential oils isolated from post-harvested leaves as a potential pest control | Dr. M.S.Sai Reddy (Co-PI) |
III. Publications
- K. Singh, Tanweer Alam, Rabindra Prasad, Munna Yadav and Manoj Kumar (2020).Pests Diagnostics and Their Management, Published by Parmar Publisher and Distributor, Govindpur Road, Dhanbad, Jharkhand.
- Manoj Kumar, T. Saha, Tanweer Alam, M. N. Dabhi, Md. Abbas Ahmad, B. B. Singh and R. Kumar (2021): Basics of Agricultural Entomology, Published by Parmar Publisher and Distributor, Govindpur Road, Dhanbad, Jharkhand.
- Ashok K. Misra, I. Yimjenjang Longkumer and Md Abbas Ahmad (2020). MCQs on Entomology. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi 110 034, India
- Training Manual on Mungbean and Urdbean Production (2020). Authors : Singh, A. K., Ahmad, M. A., Kumar, S., Arya, M. and Sahni, S. published by Publication Division, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)- Bihar-848125
- Basics of Agricultural Entomology (2021) Authors : Manoj Kumar, Tamoghna Saha, Tanveer Alam, Manish R Dabhi, Md. Abbas Ahmad, Beer Bahadur Singh and Ranjeet Kumar published by Parmar Publication, Dhanbad, Jharkhand (ISBN : 978- 81-927825-5-4)
- Singh, A. K., Ahmad, M. A., Kumar, S., Arya, M. and Sahni, S. (2021). Manual of Modern Techniques of Lentil Crop in Bihar, published by Publication Division, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)- Bihar-848125.
- Karthik, S., Reddy, M.S.S., and Yashaswini, G. (2021). Climate Change and Its Potential Impacts on Insect-Plant Interactions. IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.98203.
- Reddy, M.S.S., Karthik, S., and Yashaswini, G. (2020) Advances in Genomics of Invasive Insect Pests of India, Latest Trends in Agricultural Entomology (Volume – 1) Eds Singh K. DOI: 22271/int.book.20.
- Reddy, M.S.S., Jha, R.K., Srivastava, R.C. and Kumar, M.(2021). Birds of Pusa: Publication Division, RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar: 124p.
- Rai, A.K. Kumar, R., Reddy, M.S.S., Kumar, N., 2021. Insect Ecology Concepts.pp.184. New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi.
- Arvind Kumar Singh, Nagendra Kumar, Mukesh Kumar Singh, Ram Prakash Sharma and Shailendra Singh (2021). Eco Friendly Approaches For Pest Management. Parmar Publication, Jharkhand. 167p.
- Arvind Kumar Singh, Prabhaker Walmik, Nagendra Kumar and Munna Yadav. 2021. Objective question bank in agricultural chemicals. Parmar Publication, Jharkhand. 142p.
- Kumud Singh Nagendra Kumar Arvind Kumar Singh and Deepak Jaiswal.2021. Objective question bank in agricultural entomology. Parmar Publication, Jharkhand. 162p.
- Anil Kumar, Nagendra Kumar and Dr. Hari Chand. 2019. Commercial Entomology. New India Publishing Agency.
- Hari Chand, Nagendra Kumar and Ingle Dipak Shyamrao, 2019. Production Technology for Beehive Product. Commercial Entomology, Wizcarft Publication and Distribution Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 17-38.
- Anil Kumar and Nagendra Kumar, 2019. Biological control of insect pest. Commercial Entomology, Wizcarft Publication and Distribution Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 141-154.
- Nagendra Kumar and Anil Kumar, 2019. Rodents and their management. Commercial Entomology, Wizcarft Publication and Distribution Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 177-188.
- Hari Chand, Anil Kumar and Nagendra Kumar, 2019. Profitable beekeeping with Apis mellifera. Advances in Agricultural Entomology. Akinil Pubication. Volume 3 (19-41).
- Insect-pest of Common Medicinal and Aromatic Plant and Their Sustainable Management Umesh Das, Suprakash Pal and Nagendra Kumar.2021. Biointensive Integrated Pest Management for Horticultural Crops. NIPA Publication.
- Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management of Papaya Nagendra Kumar, Sandeep Kumar and Priyanka Kumawat.2021. Biointensive Integrated Pest Management for Horticultural Crops. NIPA Publication.
- Climate change: Possible influence of insect pests.2021. Climate change and pest dynamics. Parmar Publication.
IV. Technical Bulletin
- अजय कुमार सिंह, माधुरी आर्या, विनय कुमार चैधरी, संगीता सहनी एवं मो. अब्बास अहमद (२०२०) कृषक भागेदारी द्वारा मसूर बीज उत्पादन की आधुनिक तकनीक
- अजय कुमार सिंह, माधुरी आर्या, विनय कुमार चैधरी, संगीता सहनी, मो. अब्बास अहमद, इंदु भूषण पाण्डेय एवं अमलेंदु कुमार (२०२०) कृषक भागेदारी द्वारा बसंतकालीन एवं ग्रीष्मकालीन मूंग/उर्द बीज उत्पादन की आधुनिक तकनीक
- अजय कुमार सिंह, विनय कुमार चैधरी, मो. अब्बास अहमद, संगीता सहनी, इंदु भूषण पाण्डेय, माधुरी आर्या, एवं अमलेंदु कुमार (२०२१) कृषक भागेदारी द्वारा अरहर बीज उत्पादन की आधुनिक तकनीकण्
V. Awards & Recognitions
Year | Details |
2018-19 | · Dr. Md. Abbas Ahmad recived Young Scientist Award (Emerging Issues in Agricultural & amp; Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development EIAEASSD-2018) |
· Dr. Md. Abbas Ahmad awarded 3rd prize for presented paper | |
· Dr. Nagendra Kumar awarded Young Scientist Award in the “International Conference on Food & Agriculture” during March 29-31, 2018 in Dhanbad, Jharkhand organized by Endling. | |
· Dr. Nagendra Kumar awarded Young Scientist Award on the occasion of National Conference on Doubling Farmers Income for Sustainable and Harmonious Agriculture (DISHA- 2018), 11-12 August, 2018 at Ranchi. | |
2019-20 | · Dr. Manoj Kumar Received “Young Scientist Award” on the occasion of International Web Conference on New Trends in Agriculture, Environmental & Biological Sciences for Inclusive Development (NTAEBSID-2020) organized by Agro Environmental Development Society (AEDS) held at Rampur, Uttar Pradesh during June, 21st-22nd, 2020.
· Dr. Manoj Kumar Received “Young Entomologist Award” on the occasion of 4th National Virtual Conference and Webinar on Doubling Farmers Income for Sustainable & Harmonious Agriculture, DISHA-2021 held on 13th -14th March, 2021 at Dhanbad. |
2020-21 | · Dr. Md. Abbas Ahmad recived outstanding Achievement Award. |
· Dr. Nagendra Kumar awarded Entomologist of the Year Award during International E- Conference EIABSHWAR-2020 | |
· Dr. Nagendra Kumar recived Young Scientist Award during two days 4th National Conference on Doubling Farmers Income for Sustainable & Harmonious Agriculture (DISHA-2021),13-14th March-2021@ Sambodhi Retreat, Dhanbad, Jharkhand | |
· Dr. Nagendra Kumar recived Best Ph. D. Thesis Award at 4th International virtual conference on Agriculture and Biological Science Research.2021 |
VI. Extension Activities:
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Event | Name of Event | Date and Year
1. | Dr. Manoj Kumar | Training | Self finance training on Beekeeping | 28th March–02nd April 2019 |
2. | Dr. Manoj Kumar | Training | Self finance training on Beekeeping | 10th – 15th June 2019 |
3. | Dr. Manoj Kumar | Training | 2- days training on Honeybees at University Apiary, RPCAU, Pusa | 12th –13th Septetmber 2019 |
4. | Dr. Nagendra Kumar | Training | Self finance training on Beekeeping | 18th – 23rd November 2019 |
5. | Dr. Nagendra Kumar | Training | Self finance training on Beekeeping | 16th – 21st December 2019 |
6. | Dr. Nagendra Kumar | Training | Self finance training on Beekeeping | 16th – 21st October 2020 |
7. | Dr. Nagendra Kumar | Training | Self finance training on Beekeeping | 23rd – 28th August, 2021 |
8. | Dr. Nagendra Kumar | Training | Self finance training on Beekeeping | 30th August-04th September, 2021 |
Name | Designation | Contact No. | E-mail Id |
Dr. Udayan Mukherjee | Head & Professor | 6203786835 | udayanmukherjee@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Pushpa Singh | Professor | 9430560507 | pushpa@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sahoo | Associate Professor | 9872655270 | sksahoo@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Manoj Kumar | Assistant Professor | 9162736466 | manojk.ento@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Md. Abbas Ahmad | Assistant Professor | 9431433706 | abbas.ento@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Singh | Assistant Professor | 6203455508 | mukesh.singh@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Nagendra Kumar | Assistant Professor | 6201019031 | nagendra.kumar@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. M. S. Sai Reddy | Assistant Professor | 9346625239 | sai.reddy@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Sunil Kumar Mandal | Assistant Professor | 9801686548 | sunil.madal@rpcau.ac.in |
Dr. Surendra Prasad | Assistant Professor | 8271566051 | sprasad@rpcau.ac.in |