Kumari Anjani
Assistant Professor (since 2018)
Department of Agril Biotechnology & Mol. Biology
Academic Detail
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Academic Detail
- B.Sc. (Hons) Botany – J. D. Women’s College, Patna, Bihar (Magadh University).
- M. Sc. Biotechnology – A.N. College, Patna, Bihar (Magadh University).
- Research Area: Agricultural Biotechnology, Molecular Biology & Plant Tissue Culture
- Research Interest: Identification, enhancement and promotion of the minor crops, fruits and medicinal plants through molecular markers and plant tissue culture studies.
- Morphological features for characterization of local populations of Physalis minima (Ban tipariya) in Bihar. Kumari Anjani and Harsh Kumar (2018). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, Vol. 10 (2): pp. 5047-5052.
- In vitro Studies in Litchi chinensis – Effect of Explant and Medium. Kumari Anjani and Harsh Kumar (2018). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 2413-2422.
- Effect of Cytokinin on Multiple Shoot Regeneration in Shoot Apical Culture of Physalis minima – An Important Fruit and Medicinal Plant. Kumari Anjani and Harsh Kumar (2018). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 3115-3121.
- Gene Trapping: A Powerful Tool of Functional Genomics to Identify Novel Genes Kumari Anjani, V. K. Sharma and Harsh Kumar (2018). International Journal of Genetics, Vol. 10(1): pp.325-332.
- Mushroom: health benefits and environmental impact Sandeep Kumar Suman, Kumari Anjani, Mithilesh Kumar and Dayaram (2018). Genius, Vol. 6, pp.-25-29.
- In vitro studies in Physalis minima – effect of cytokinin and explant. Poster presentation and abstract published in first “International Conference on Human Implications of Biotechnology” at Central University of South Bihar, Patna, 2016.
- Collection and assessment of local germplasm of ‘ban tipariya’ – An underutilized fruit and medicinal plant. Oral presentation and abstract published in International Conference on Genetic Engineering and Bio-Technology: 21stCentury’s Frontier Science, Jamshedpur Women’s College, Jamshedpur, 2017.
Contact Details
Mobile No. – 9771257628
Email Id – anjani@rpcau.ac.in